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Day 4


Today was the day. The day that Cookie feared the most. The day that Cookie would meet Anika's family. It scared the living hell out of her just thinking about it. Especially this morning. She sat at the counter in the kitchen, her mind racing rapidly with the overthinking possibilities of what could go wrong later today.

If Anika were here with her, she would be able to calm and soothe her. Comforting her and speaking reassuringly into her ear, then coaching her through her fears. But she wasn't here, instead she was still with her family. Cookie didn't object to this at all. After all, she didn't see her family for awhile and this was her native home. She can't possibly spend the entire time with Cookie.

And Cookie didn't mind spending time away from Anika sometimes. So that she could have moments to talk to herself, or allow her thoughts to roam and motivate herself. Sometimes even to talk to her therapist or even her boys. She also didn't want Anika to feel too much like it was her role to be responsible Cookies happiness. Cookie knew that she had many dark moments involving trying to come to terms with accepting herself and their relationship. She put Anika through a lot.

To know that Anika was spending time elsewhere and experiencing her own happiness without having to be concerned about Cookies for the time being, left Cookie satisfied.

But at this moment, she did feel like she needed her. To help her not to panic. She was so stressed about it, She felt that even her therapist wouldn't be able to help to relax her. At this point, her best bet was to call Anika herself and explain what she was feeling. Even though she didn't want to get in the middle of whatever personal moment she could be having with her family, she felt she had no other option.


"Hey, good mornin' wah gwan?" Anika asked. "Anika I...I just really need to see you right now." Said Cookie. "I actualeh walkin' up to da house righ' now. Hold on." Anika said, and the phone call ended a few moments later. Cookie then heard Anika placing the keys into the front door. Once Anika stepped in, she noticed Cookie sitting at the counter.

"Hey, are yah' okay?" She asked. "It's just-" Cookie was then caught off guard by Anika's change. She saw that she was in a long black t-shirt. She wore green camo pants and her hair was hanging down over her face. She wore black converse as well. Cookie was a little surprised to see this sudden transformation with her. "Are yah' okay?" She repeated. As nice as she looked, it didn't prevent Cookie from feeling any less nervous.

Anika walked up to her, then putting her arms around her shoulders, looking down at her. Cookie wrapped her arms around her waist, finally feeling some sort of relief once she was now being able to touch her. Cookie looked up at her, their faces being close. "I'm nervous..." she said. "About meetin' meh' family, righ'?" Anika asked. Cookie nodded.

Anika sighed, then putting her hand onto the top of Cookies head. "I unda-stan, but yah' don' have to worry, I promise." She said. "Errybody in mah' family is easy-goin'." Said Anika. "But Anika, it's your mother. That's who I'm worried about. You keep saying she'll like me and all that but the second your uncle mentioned her you started to look uncomfortable." Said Cookie. Anika looked away. "She strict wit' me, I tell you. Because I not always so elegant 'round her. I tell her about yah' alreadeh'- Yeah but you told her that we get along, not that we're...a couple..." Cookie trailed off.

"And she doesn't even know my age. It's like I'm a mother dating her child or something." Cookie said. "Yah' Don' have to worry about dat'. If she do yah' mischief, I scold her myself." Said Anika. Cookie exhaled, then slightly nodding. "Okay..." she said. Anika grinned down at her. "Now let meh' kiss yah'." Anika said, then leaning down to place a quick peck onto Cookies lips. "So...what's the plan for today? I'm excited to see more of this island before I have to go back to the grime of New York." Said Cookie. Anika grinned. "Well, my breddren is outside- Your brothers?!" Cookie suddenly exclaimed, standing up and moving from Anika's grip.

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