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Two Days Before The Wedding


Cookie let out a giggle as Anika turned over on top of her. Cookie cupped her face as she anticipated those soft lips landing onto hers. The two women were in the middle of an affectionate make out session. Anika's arms were on the side of her head, and Cookies legs were opened slightly to allow Anika to apply more pressure onto her body.

After they locked lips a few times, Cookie released a hum once Anika left affections pecks onto the side of her neck. "I can't believe we're getting married in two days." She said. "Aren't you...nervous?" Cookie asked. Anika pulled away, hovering over Cookie again to look down at her.

"Not really. Well, not yet. I know that when the time comes I will be." Said Anika. "You're always so calm about everything anyway." Cookie said, and Anika chuckled. "You'll make my heart run out of my body when you walk down the aisle, trust me." She said, leaning down to kiss Cookies nose.

"Really?" Cookie asked. "Absolutely." Anika replied, kissing her forehead. "Our bachelorette parties are tonight..." Said Cookie. "I know, I'm excited." Said Anika. Cookie flattened her lips. "Mhm. I bet you are, with that nightclub you're going to." She said.

Anika playfully groaned once Cookie gently moved her to the side, allowing herself to stand up. Anika remained on the bed, huffing. "Babe, it's not that sort of club. I trust my girls, they wouldn't take me somewhere like that." She said. Cookie headed towards her bathroom.

"Well, it can't be as bad as where I'm going." She said, and Anika furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, what does that mean?" She questioned, springing out of the bed and following her. Cookie laughed. "I'm just teasing. But you see how it feels now." She said. Anika crossed her arms.

"So where are you going?" She asked. "A rooftop bar downtown. It was Candace's idea. Her bougie ass." Cookie said. "Well, I think it'll be fun. My friends got us a hotel just in case I end up in a condition my mom can't see me in." Anika chuckled.

"Okay, well the rule is that no matter what we can't call each other." Said Cookie. "Okay, I know. Well, this time I'm a lot more trusting than I was last time I got married. I'm certain you won't cheat." Said Anika. "You were unsure if you'd get cheated on...before?" Cookie asked.

"Well, You know he was a lot an older than me, so. I wouldn't be surprised if he went after another young woman the night before we got married." Said Anika. Cookie came out of the bathroom brushing her teeth.

"I know it's irrelevant now, but I'm kind of curious. I never knew how your first wedding was. Was it...normal? I guess I just can't imagine that devil being at a real wedding that was his." Said Cookie. "You know, a venue, flowers, decorations, dinner parties. Not much different than any other traditional wedding. My family was there. Whatever people he knew. It was similar to ours..." Anika said. "Except ours is a million times better." She said, and Cookie laughed.

"I don't even know if I'm really in the mood to party tonight. You can get drunk and bounce back, but I have an old woman's body." Cookie said. "You do not. If that's what an old woman's body looks like then I can't wait until you're 70." Said Anika. Cookie laughed. "You're a fool." She said, then walking towards the bathroom.


At about four, Anika was picked up by her friends and taken to the hotel to begin to get ready for their night. Cookies sisters and friends were at her place about fifteen minutes later.


Cookie stood in front of her mirror, examining her outfit, an all black mini dress and matching heels. Her hair was straightened. "How is this? Or is it too short?" Cookie asked. "Girl, it's your bachelorette party, there's no such thing as too short." Carol said. Cookie laughed. "I don't want to look too inappropriate..." She said. Carol groaned. "This is your last night where you can be a free woman, and you're thinking as if you're already married. Cut loose and have fun tonight. And dress inappropriately." She said.

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