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Next Day


Cookie opened her eyes slightly, staring over at Anika. Anika was sleeping soundly, her hand still on Cookies waist, even after Cookie turned over to stare at her.

She didn't say anything, she didn't want to wake Anika up. She wanted to take in the moment of looking at her sleeping frame. This 4am morning wasn't the greatest thing to experience right now, but Cookie surely had a lot on her mind.

Thinking back to what Anika had said regarding she and Tori, it still stuck with her. If Cookie was someone who was comfortable with herself and wasn't confused about what she liked, and Tori wasn't a sex addict, Cookie would likely be unable to prevent falling for her either.

After seeing how Tori carried herself around Empire, not having a care in the world and flirting openly with women who didn't even give a clear indication of if they liked women or not (while still being successful at it), Cookie wondered about herself a lot.

Why couldn't she be like that? Why did she have to be so complicated. She's seen lesbian women before walking around as usual in society, but now after potentially ranging in that category herself, she felt so much more pressure.

She lightly put her hand onto the side of Anika's face. She felt her heartbeat speed up slightly when she did it. The moment she felt her soft skin on her hands it made her feel warm. Sometimes Cookie wasn't sure of exactly what it was that she felt for Anika. But she knew that it was there, because she always felt a change in her body when she was around her. A spark, a chill. Something. It confused her though, because it's something that she's never felt, and she felt something different with Lucious once she was sure that her heart belonged to him at that time.

But between she and Anika, it hadn't reached that point yet. But then again, Cookie couldn't tell. Because she felt everything differently with her. She knows it's something, but whatever it is, it's deep.

She smiled lightly. She then began leaning in to lightly press her lips onto Anika's delicately. It was so much easier to do at times like this. When Anika wasn't making Cookie so nervous by looking at her with the intense gleam in her eyes, or giving flirtatious compliments.

Their lips touched. Warming and soft. Cookie pulled away after a single peck, then looking at her shut eyes. "You're awake...aren't you?" Cookie mumbled. Anika then slowly opened her eyes, staring back at her with a low and drowsy glare.

She made a small grin. "Now I am..." Anika whispered. "How did you know I- I felt you move. How much you were moving. You don't move much usually. You're thinking." Replied Anika, as if it was so simple.

Cookie didn't even think that Anika paid attention to things like that. Meanwhile, Cookie wasn't too sure if she took things like that into consideration when it came to her. It wasn't on purpose, she just didn't think about it.

"Oh..." Cookie replied. "I'm not thinking about anything, I was just getting ready to go back home to get ready for work..." Said Cookie. "You aren't- How do you know- Because we get up at a certain time so I can walk you out." Replied Anika. Her eyes closing every now and then, her voice deep and a little groggy.

Cookie sighed. "God, Anika." She replied. "What are you thinking about?" Anika asked, Cookies hand still on the side of her face. "Nothing." Cookie replied. "Cookie- It's really nothing." Cookie replied. "I was just planning to go back home while it's early enough- Then eat something before you go- I'm not hungry- Why not?" Anika asked.

The two women stared back at each other in silence. "I'm just not." Cookie replied. Anika lightly rubbed her hands up and down Cookies waist. She stared deeply into her eyes. "Tell me what's roaming around in that head of yours." Anika said. Cookie sighed, growing slightly annoyed with her constant prodding. "My feelings- What kind of feelings- I don't know." Cookie said.

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