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"So...that's what happened between us. It was a little hard to explain..." said Anika, sighing. Her face looked as if she somewhat stressed about reliving what happened to her. "She really did break me, Cookie." Anika said.

Cookie stared at Anika with a face full of subtle shock, sympathy, and discomfort all at once. She was shocked because she didn't expect someone as smooth and collected-looking as Tori to be a sex-addict. She never thought that she would actually have an encounter with one in real life.

She felt sympathy because it pained her to know that this happened to Anika. She was such a sweet and loving person, and all she wanted to do was share that with someone who seemed to have been giving that same treatment to her. But instead she was lied to, cheated on, manipulated, and heartbroken.

She was uncomfortable because she felt weird thinking about having that experience. Knowing that Tori had a thrive off of sleeping from woman to woman. Having so much sex and so many relationships. She couldn't imagine how many girls had broken up with Tori, or caught her cheating on her. And yet all it did was make her want more. She couldn't imagine living like that or dealing with someone like that.

Anika had realized that Cookie didn't say anything for a long amount of time. "Are you okay?" Anika asked her. Cookies arms were still crossed. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. "Cookie?" Anika asked, her face starting to look concerned. "Can you say something? Anything..." Anika said. "I know it was a lot and also a lot to take in...but please just say something..." said Anika.

"I...don't know what to say..." said Cookie. Anika looked confused. She reached out to grab Cookies hand. "You're not...feeling...I don't know, bad are you? Like...about yourself or...mad...?" Anika asked, unsure of the meaning behind Cookies facial expression.

Cookie cleared her throat. "I don't feel bad about myself...I feel bad for you." Said Cookie. "I just...don't expect that from someone like her. I mean when I first saw her I didn't think she was a sex addict, I just thought she was a flirt. I saw her flirting with another girl at the white party but I just figured that was something anyone else would do when at a party." Said Cookie.

Anika made a look as if she wasn't surprised. "Well...what about...what I told you? I don't mean to be asking you all this I'm just trying to read you..." Said Anika. "She's a bitch for what she did. I'm pissed about it. I am. But I'm still trying to process all of this..." Said Cookie, suddenly starting to rub her temples.

Anika sighed. She felt sadness. She couldn't read what Cookie was thinking or what she was feeling at the moment. Sometimes she exploded and let everything out, but other times, she was too quiet about it. "Are you sure you're okay?" Anika asked. "Are you sure that you're okay, Anika?" Cookie asked.

"I am now. After graduation I was only focused on my life. She didn't cross my mind anymore, and she still doesn't. And she won't, because I've found someone better." Said Anika. Cookie sucked her teeth. She looked away, trying not to show a grin.

"Oh really?" She asked. "Yes, really." Said Anika. "And what does this someone look like?" She asked. Anika smiled. "Well, she has this beautiful brown skin, right- uh huh...- And this really cute smile." Said Anika. "Yeah, I still have no clue." Said Cookie.

"She has a really good sense of humor, and amazing features. She's a bombshell." Anika continued. Cookie shook her head. "No, still not sure." Said Cookie, lightly touching her ponytail. Anika smiled. "Milf...?- Cookie then lightly pushed her shoulder. "Hey..!" She said. Anika laughed. "Okay, okay I get it now." Cookie said, pursing her lips. "Good." Anika said.

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