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Anika ran her fingers through her hair, releasing a sigh while staring down at her phone screen. "I don't understand why she won't answer my calls. She won't even read my texts. What's going on with her?" She asked aloud, unsure of if something serious was going on, or if Cookie had an actual reason for all of this.

After how many times they've had rocky points in their relationship where Cookie kept threatening to end it between the two of them, they eventually did it for real. Then they got back together again. It's been an endless battle every time trying to convince Cookie not to give up on the two of them. So it wouldn't be a surprise if Anika wondered if Cookie was going that same route again.

She heard the front door beginning to open, and she snapped her head up immediately. She stood up, listening to the sound of the door being unlocked frantically. She gasped once she saw Cookie and Dr. Wick walk inside. "Anika, we have to leave, now." Said Cookie, brushing by her and heading for her bedroom. She started to place Anika's clothes back into her duffel bag.

Anika was confused. Dr. Wick closed the door behind them, standing near it. "What? Uh, excuse me, aren't you going to explain where the hell you've been lately? You didn't come back home at all.-" Anika said in an annoyed tone, walking up to Cookie. "Anika, please- don't give me that right now, Cookie. Don't you understand how worried I've been? And I assumed something was wrong but it's clear you're fine. Is this one of your plans to end our relationship again?" Anika asked.

"What? No, what are you talking about? Look, none of that matters right now. Start packing your things." Cookie said, hanging her the dufflebag. Anika threw it onto the floor. "No, I'm not packing anything! You have not answered my text messages, you haven't answered any of my calls, and you haven't been back home for a day or two. And you're just going to come back in here without any explanation and suddenly start telling me to pack my bags? Do you not see anything wrong with this?!" Anika said, raising her voice.

Cookie stood in front of her. "Look, Anika. I hear you, but right now I can't explain this, I know you're upset but you don't need to yell- I don't need to yell?! Are you acting like this because I proposed to you?!- What? Why would this have anything to do with that?- If you're not ready for this and I'm moving too fast, then just tell me Cookie! Don't ignore me, we talked about this- It's not about that?- it's not? Then what is it about- I'll tell you later- No, Cookie. Tell me now!" Anika said.

Cookie reached down to grab her hand. "Okay, I understand you're upset but I need you to listen to me right now and pack- I'm not going anywhere until I get an explanation..!" Anika said, yanking her hand out of Cookies. "Look, you said you wanted to ride or die and I'm trying to save you right now, so listen!- You cannot come in here and start ordering me around like you haven't been ghosting me Cookie- I wasn't ghosting you!-" The two women started to argue back and forth, getting loud with each other in the heat of the moment.

Dr. Wicks authoritative voice interrupted them. "Ladies, please save the married couple arguments until after the ceremony." She said. "Well right now, I don't know if we'll make it to a ceremony." Said Anika, crossing her arms. Cookie licked her teeth, her face softening.

"I understand your frustration, but right now we're in the middle of an emergency. You need to leave this house as soon as possible because you two, or perhaps all three of us, are not safe here right now. You will have plenty of time to talk afterwards. But right now we need to leave as soon as can because our lives are in danger." Said Dr. Wick.

"Exactly. So do as I say out of love, Anika." Said Cookie. Anika stared at her with squinted eyes, then unfolding her arms and putting them up in the air. "Fine. Fine. But this conversation isn't over- I know. I know." Said Cookie. "Now I need you to pack your clothes as soon as possible. Pack everything." Said Cookie, and Anika began to do so quickly, While Dr. Wick helped her.

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