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Two Days Later


Things continued to be hectic once Cookie returned to Empire. It was almost as if they waited on her presence, because the day she walked back through the doors she was bombarded and tugged each and every way by her sons, Becky, and even Lucious.


Currently, she sat in his office, the two of them sitting across from each other and discussing the music artists. "I've been wondering if Treasure should release her new song this week or if we should hold it off until after Tiannas." He said.

"Well after that little stunt she pulled, I'm surprised you're still letting her be an artist here." Said Cookie. "Well, what do you think?" He asked her, disregarding her comment since it was obvious why she was still an artist here.

"Oh, you're asking me what I think? Well look at you." Said Cookie, slightly grinning. Lucious let out a single chuckle. "Look, I say since fans are already putting Tianna and Treasure in an innocent competition with each other, it'll be more buzz if you wait until after Tianna releases her song to release Treasures." Said Cookie.

Lucious leaned back in his chair, nodding. "See, I'm glad me and you see eye to eye. Unlike that wench with the pearls. I'm surprised you're managing to get along with her." He said. Cookie sighed. She leaned over the desk, looking him in his eyes. "Look, I don't know what went on between you two, but I'm here to do a job and only a job. So leave me out of it." She said, then standing up and showing an exaggerated smile to him before it dropped back to a straight expression.

Lucious stared at her as she walked away. "As you wish, baby mama." He said. She rolled her eyes, unable to prevent a chuckle from leaving her mouth. "Whatever, fool." She said, then exiting out of the office. He chuckled, then continuing to fill out forms on his desk.


Anika sat in Leviticus, facing the stage. A huge white table in front of her. She sat with her eyes darted to the next person walking out onto the stage.

Right now, she was holding singing auditions to find out just who can be the next potential star of Empire. So far, she's heard nothing but off-key notes, broken pitches, and people missing queues for songs they chose to sing. This was one of the many tasks that came with being the Head of A&R.

On her left was Porsha, and on her right was Andre.

About fifteen seconds into the persons songs, Anika interrupted them. "I'm sorry. Sorry, but I think you have a lot of potential. Although this isn't exactly the right thing we're looking for within Empire. But thank you for coming." She said. The person gave a sad smile, then exiting off of the stage.

There was a clear difference between when Anika held auditions and when Cookie held them. Anika would politely stop them, and just tell them off easily why they didn't make the cut. Meanwhile, Cookie would make it known that was the was hearing was awful. Simply by her facial expressions or just her loud outburst of "NEXT!" That could be clearly heard echoing out of the club. Although Anika wasn't the type to yell, either way the process worked.

A man came into the stage, and began to sing. Anika was expecting another terrible pitch to a good song, but instead she heard a voice that sounded like pure magic. His voice was smooth, and changed at the exact moments it needed to.

"He's good..." whispered Becky. "I agree." Said Anika. "I think he has potential." Said Andre. Anika nodded her head slowly. She then stopped the man in the middle of his singing. "Excuse me, yes sorry. What's your name?" She asked him. She began to write down his name and contact information so that Lucious is aware of him when she tells him about the man.

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