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Next Day


Cookie slowly trudged into the Empire building, a tired look on her face. This early morning did not do her well, as she still had a slight headache from her prolonging hangover. He had been hoping that there weren't any news of her on social media regarding her drunk situation, even though more than likely Lucious was an expert on preventing that in his presence.

She slid her ID card across the scanner, then proceeding through the access doors. She winced, holding her hand onto her forehead as her heels clicked against the shining floor, a strong perfume radiating off of her body.

She headed towards her office, then sitting down in her office chair and leaning over the desk, her hands on her temples. "I still feel like I'm going to puke." She said. Of course she was required to come in today, especially with Lucious being aware her current state. However, she knew that if she stayed in the mansion (or in any other house for that matter) for any longer, her thoughts and feelings will get to her, causing Cookie to have an urge to block them out to avoid them from being overwhelming. Bluntly speaking, she'll drink more.

She didn't need more. She didn't want more. She just wanted her goddamn overwhelming thoughts to stop. And that was a process that Cookie hated waiting for.

She heard a slight knock on her door. She slowly tilted up her head matching glares with Lucious. He walked in slowly, looking down at her. "I didn't think you were here today." He said to her, a slick grin on his face.

"I kind of wish I didn't come." She said, groaning. "You still have a headache? Damn Cooks, you drank the hell out of that liquor. Couldn't even walk ten feet without almost falling." He said. Cookies memory of this was foggy. She didn't remember anything that happened. "What happened, Lucious. After we left." She said. He stared at her blankly. She waved her hand at him. "Uh, hello?! Did you forget you were talking to me that fast, old man?" She asked.

"You gone stop snapping at me, man- I just need to know that happened, Lucious. Please." Cookie asked, annoyed. "Look, all I did was take you home. You were slinging all over the place and stuff. Speaking of which, this isn't like you at all. Since when did you start drinking' so damn much?" He asked her. "Look, I was stressed, okay? Now, I need to know about anything I said- What you said?- Yes, Lucious. What I said and did." She told him.

"You were crying." He said. "Crying?" She repeated, surprised. "When I asked you why, all you said was that it was Anika's fault. I didn't think another woman would be making you pour like Niagara Falls but..." he trailed off. "So that's what it was..." Cookie mumbled. She pursed her lips. "Hmph. I'm surprised you aren't up in here trying to lecture me about how my drunk-ness would have 'tainted your reputation'." She said to him.

"Nah, Cooks...it's you, so there's no way it can be tainted." He said. She sighed, putting her hand onto her head again. She groaned. "You alright?- I still have a damn headache. Ugh..." she said. "I didn't think you'd be gulping down liquor like that. When I made it to the bar you were layin' your head on it. You had 10 glasses around you. Damn cooks, if you drank anymore I'd say you'd end up with alcohol poisoning." He said.

"Since when are you so concerned with what happened to me?" She asked him. "Always. Especially after..." he sighed. "I think I should pay you back. You know, after all I put you through." He stated. She looked up at him. "You can start by bringing me some damn ginger ale." She said. He chuckled. "You know, you really didn't have to come today, Cooks- I know, I know, but if I don't the company will throw a fit." She said, waving him off as he exited out of the room to get what she asked for.

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