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Two Days Later


Cookie couldn't sleep again. She couldn't fathom what happened. That night. When Anika's bloody mouth and wheezing body stared back at her with eyes begging for help.

"Why is this...so constant? Why is this continuing to happen?"

It was empty. Empty again. But this time, Cookie was at Anika's place. In her bed. Stiff. Unmoving. Breathing in her scent as much as she could just in case she never got to smell it again.

"How much more of this can I take?"


Last Night


Anika was rushed through the double doors of the emergency room, Cookie running by her side and coaching her. Her face looked flushed, and Cookies voice was hoarse from screaming her name.

"Are you well enough to walk, ma'am? We just need to transfer you to a wheelchair." Asked the nurse, that way they could transport her faster. Anika nodded, her breathing slowing down but her chest paining. They helped her to sit up and moved her over to the wheelchair.

Anika winced while she was being wheeled away

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Anika winced while she was being wheeled away. Cookie attempted to go with, but they blocked her. This time, things seemed to be different with the atmosphere of the hospital. The first time, no one seemed to pay too much attention to seeing them and her family there, since they were likely too stressed out about their own personal situations.

But this time, people stared. And not stares of admiration or even curiosity, but stares of shame. As if they knew something. Suspected something. Wondering why they had returned and why each time Anika was being taken there Cookie would be right alongside her.

It made Cookie feel self-conscious. Nervous even. Like they knew. But she didn't know what it was that they knew. And that was one of her biggest fears.


"So, she has a current case of Pulmonary Embolism." Said the doctor, looking down at a notepad full of notes while Anika laid in a hospital bed, and IV hooked up to her arm. Cookie tilted hr head in confusion. "Um, what the hell is that?" she asked. "It a condition in which one or more arteries in the lungs become blocked by a blood clot. Someone experiences chest pain, shortness of breath, or dry coughing before potentially- for example- throwing up blood." The doctor spoke. "Now, we are already aware that you previously had a damaged lung, so this is not too surprising."

"S-she's okay though, right? She doesn't have to stay here?" Cookie asked. The doctor shook his head. We think it may be best to keep her here for about. day or two, so that we can run some tests and conduct treatment for her. Luckily, because you come here right away we have time to treat it. If left untreated it can become fatal." He said.

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