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Two Weeks Later


Cookie laid on her side, facing her window view of New York from her queen-sized bed. Her cell phone up to her ear as she gently picked with her fingernails on her right hand.

"So...are you excited for tomorrow?" Anika asked from the other end. Cookie slowly nodded. "Yeah...yeah I am...it's new..." she replied. Anika chuckled. "That's the best part." She replied.

"And I've given some thought about how this is your first ever road trip...so I shortened it from 13 places to 7 instead. That way we can spend a day in each location." Said Anika.

"Good, I'm glad I don't have to run around." Cookie joked. "Usually with my brothers, we go to about two places a day when we take road trips. But that's because we get bored fast. We already get so desperate to see what's next." Anika said.

"Well, if I like this one, maybe we can do it like they do." Said Cookie. "I hope I packed the right things..." said Cookie. "If you looked at that list I sent you, I'll bet you did.." said Anika. "I feel like I'm going hiking or something." Said Cookie.

"I just hope that you don't feel like this isn't...your taste or anything. I mean I know you usually don't have people asking you to do something like this with them..." Anika mumbled. Cookie shook her head. "It's fine, I don't mind. It's different, and I can see something outside of grimy New York or Philly." Said Cookie. "And plus...I'm with you...so it's not like I'll be bored or anything..."

Anika curled her lips. "I'll make sure you won't be bored." Anika said. "And...I know you want to get away from New York, but...a few of the places were going to are actually in it. But once you see them, you'll be wondering if it's really New York." Said Anika. Cookie grinned. "As long as I can't tell, I'm good." She replied.

The two women remained on the phone in silence for awhile, and Anika had finally spoke. "Cookie...?" She asked. "Yeah?" Cookie replied. "Are you falling asleep on me?" Anika asked. She heard Cookie then make noises against her sheets.

"No...I was just thinking..." She said. "About..." Anika asked. "About how I kinda...wish you were here...a little.." Cookie trailed off. Anika closed her eyes, then smiling as she sighed. Cookie took this as Anika objecting to it.

"I-I mean I'm not trying to be clingy and wanting you everywhere I am...-" Cookie then heard Anika release a soft giggle. She paused. Saying that she missed Anika the first time when she was on her trip seemed easier than saying it a second time, she wasn't sure why.

"So you miss me, Cookie." Anika replied. "Uh..." Cookie trailed off. "I miss you too...even though you're not too far away. Even when you're down the hallway at work, I still miss you." Said Anika.

Cookie put her thumb fingernail in between her teeth. She let out a hum.

"You think Lucious is going to be suspicious about the two of us taking off of work at the same time?" Anika asked. "I could care less about what he's suspicious about. I doubt he'll think it's anything more than a friendship." Cookie said.

Anika was about to say something, but she changed her mind. "You should...get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow...I don't want you to be too tired to see the scenery..." Said Anika. "Alright, alright. I'll shut my eyes." Said Cookie.

"I'll come over tomorrow to pick you up and we can start our road trip vacation." Said Anika. The two women laughed lightly together, then saying their good nights.

Cookie closed her eyes, feeling slight relief.


March 1st

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