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Next Day


Cookie opened her eyes to see her head on Anika's stomach, her arms wrapped snuggly around her while Anika's head was tossed back. Cookie didn't even remember falling asleep in this position, but Anika looked so peaceful while she slept. Her hair partially covered her face, while he hand was on Cookies back. Cookie took a moment to recollect the position that she was currently in with this woman.

Anika smelled of soft perfume, and Cookie stared at her. She released a breath, then slowly getting up to switch positions. She tried to be as cautious as she could to get up without waking Anika.


A Few Hours Later


Cookie was now asleep on her stomach. She slowly opened her eyes once she heard the sizzling of something. She sat up, then looking over her shoulder while rubbing one of her eyes to see Anika standing in the kitchen. She was moving her body energetically, swaying her hips as she danced in front of the stove. Music played from her cell phone on the counter.

Cookie turned over, then supporting herself on her elbows. She stared at Anika, watching her swaying her hips. She slightly smiled, watching Anika move. Her eyes glued on her while she moved.

She stood up slowly, then heading towards the counter. She raised her hands in the air, stretching. "So I see you're awake..." Cookie mumbled. Anika turned around, a wide smile on her face. Usually, she would suddenly feel embarrassed about the Caribbean music that circulated around the kitchen, but she only turned it down instead.

"Good morning." Anika said, then continuing to dance slightly. Cookie smirked. "You seem excited this morning." Said Cookie. "I'm in such a good mood. It must have been because of that good night sleep I had thanks to you keeping me from falling on the floor." Anika joked. Cookie chuckled. "I slept good too. You were warm." Said Cookie. Anika smirked over her shoulder. Cookie reluctantly continued to watch her dance. She didn't see Anika do this often. It was captivating in the strangest of ways.

Anika turned, noticing her staring. Cookie looked away, then clearing her throat. "What are you making?" Cookie asked. "Okay, so I'm sure by now you know I went in your fridge..." Anika said curling her lips. Cookie chuckled. "It's fine, I don't mind." Cookie said. "I'm making breakfast quesadillas." Anika said. Cookie put her elbows on the counter, staring at it while it cooked. "Sounds good. I see you like a lot of healthy meals, Anika." She said.

"I like to stay in shape, especially on days I do yoga and go to the gym." Said Anika. "You do yoga and workout?" Cookie asked. Anika nodded. "Wow, you keep surprising me." Said Cookie. "I'm glad..." said Anika. "Okay, I have something to tell you about me now..." said Cookie.

Anika turned around, two plates in her hand with a burrito on each. She slowly sat them down onto the island. "Okay...what is it?" Anika asked. "Nobody knows about this except for my family, but I have a small...small discomfort with clowns." She said. Anika raised an eyebrow. "You're afraid of clowns?" Anika asked. "Not afraid, they're just weird to me." Said Cookie.

"So, the tough Cookie Lyon doesn't like clowns. Huh. Interesting..." said Anika. Cookie glared at her. "You sound like you have something up your sleeve, Anika..." Cookie said. "Not at all. It's just surprising. "I just expect clowns to be the last thing you're afraid of." Said Anika.

"Yeah, with all the hell I've been through? That's what I expected too." Cookie mumbled. "Well, I mean everyone is afraid of something. I mean I told you about my fear of bugs. And heights." Said Anika. Cookie nodded. "I just felt like I should share that with you, before we get stuck watching "IT" or something." Said Cookie.

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