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Two Weeks Later


Cookie nicely organized the stack of paper on her desk, then putting them into her work folder. Her back faced away from the door.

A faint but familiar knock landed onto her office door, and she released a sigh, closing her eyes as she heard the door swing open. The door closed a few seconds after.

Cookie didn't say anything. "I'm glad to see that you're still here..." Lucious said. Cookie didn't reply, instead continuing to slowly gather her things. She still didn't turn around to look at him.

"Empire is finally starting to rise to the top again. Everything is starting to go back to how it once was..." He said. She inhaled, then releasing a hefty sigh. She still didn't reply.

"Well, almost everything..." He said. Cookie could hear his footsteps approaching, even over the thick carpeted floor. She tilted her head up slowly, looking straight ahead.

"We still haven't talked, Cooks. About anything. About us..." He said. Cookie could feel his warm hand gently land onto her waist, and he stood up against her. At this moment, Cookie whipped around, pushing her hand against his chest and turning to face him completely. She put her finger in his face, her expression turning to the malicious look that he hasn't seen in so long.

Her voice was cold, sneering at him and staring deep into his eyes. "Don't. Touch. Me. At all."

Lucious let of a huff. "What's wrong with you? I mean you haven't talked to me about anything outside of work in who knows how long and you don't expect me to wonder what happened?" He asked. "You know exactly what happened. I'm leaving." Cookie said, grabbing her documents and brushing by him to head to the door. He grabbed her arm. She yanked it out of his grip, turning to face him. "Get off of me- the hell you mean I know what happened? I need to know what happened to that same woman who used to be my ride or die. Who'll kill somebody dead on the street if she got to and knows every hot spot in the damn city. What happened to that rough and tough woman who didn't take a damn thing from anybody and who I could depend on? I need to know what happened to that woman!" Lucious snapped.

The two of them stared back at one another, and Cookies face was filled with both anger and simmering pain. "She happened." Cookie said, and Lucious started to squint. He let out a single chuckle. "There it is. I knew there had to be a reason you were being so cold towards me. You still think about that disgrace of a woman you called your lover, huh?" Lucious asked her. "I'm not a heartless monster like you, Lucious. I feel. And what I feel for her, I realize now that I never felt for you." Cookie snapped. Lucious raised an eyebrow. "Feel?" He asked.

"What you feel for her?" He repeated. "Yes, I still feel for her, Lucious." Cookie said. "Well it sounds to me like you're talking like she's roaming on this earth." He said. Cookie felt herself stiffen. She glared him up and down. "Anika's dead." Cookie said, more so like she was trying to confirm it for herself. "Is she?" Lucious asked back just as quickly.

"Are you serious? How can you ask something like that?" Cookie replied. "Well I guess it's a good thing I put her ass six feet under, maybe it's making you come back to your damn senses and realize that Empire and this family is where you belong." Lucious said.

Cookie licked her teeth. "Let's get one thing straight. I didn't step foot back in this nightmare of a company for anyone else besides my damn sons. Because I want them to be successful and have a roof over their damn heads from their career. And if I have to sacrifice myself again for them, I'll do that. But there is not a single reason that I'm here for you." Cookie said.

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