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Three Days Later


"So, how are things, Cookie?" Asked a woman. Cookie nodded slowly. "Things are going...good. Good." Cookie said, only showing the slightest smile. The two women sat in a room, yet another therapy session for Cookie.

"So, did anything interesting happen over the past few days?" Asked the doctor. Cookie rubbed her palms on her thighs, and looking away. "Well, we went to the mall and out to dinner..she was fine when I went to see her at the hospital." Said Cookie.

"Good, I'm glad that's she is doing well after her incident

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"Good, I'm glad that's she is doing well after her incident. I know you relieved to find out. Did you tell her anything that you've been meaning to talk to her about?" Asked the doctor. "Well...." Cookie curled her lips. She released a sigh then speaking. "While we were at dinner, I told her what we practiced..." said Cookie.

"Did you really?" Smiled the Doctor. Cookie nodded. "I did. I...couldn't believe it and I still can't..." said Cookie. "Well, it's a very good improvement that you can now express your feelings in a safe and comfortable manner. I'm sure you feel like a weight is lifted from your shoulders now." Said the Doctor. "I'm still not out of the woods yet...I'm still having trouble believing this." Said Cookie.

"That's perfectly normal, and everything is a process

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"That's perfectly normal, and everything is a process. But know that there is no reason for you to feel ashamed or uncomfortable with your feelings."

Cookie nodded slowly.


Cookie stepped into the elevator once arriving to Empire. She showed up later today due to the early morning therapy session, but she felt relieved that she was able to talk to someone who understood her situation before coming to work with...the situation.

Cookie thought back to what her therapist said, and it made her let out a single chuckle to herself. "I'm sure I've officially gone insane..." she whispered. Lost into her thinking, the elevator door opening to a floor she wasn't going to made her jump. Once she saw who was stepping inside, she tensed up.

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