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Cookies penthouse door opened slowly after the lock was picked. The tip of a gun being gripped by a black glove slowly creeped inside. Lucious shut the door lightly, looking around every crevice before walking around.

He checked the kitchen, the bedroom, the living room, and bathroom, and even the closets. He realized that it was practically empty, and most of the clothing was gone. He didn't see anything that could have been Anika's. He went over to the table where Cookie keeps the gold revolver. He noticed that it was gone.

He let out a single chuckle. "You want to play, let's play." He said.


Next Morning


Cookies fingers intertwined with Anika's while her arm draped over her waist in their usual sleeping position. The sun shines brightly into the room.

A sudden thick knock on the door made the two women shift around, and once it opened, Renee was staring down at them. "Rise and shine, y'all...! Can't be sleeping in on this fine morning!" She said, and the two women's eyes shot open.

They sat up quickly, and separated, sitting forward and removing their arms from being around each other. They gasped in surprise, placing their hands onto their chests and panting while looking at Renee with drowsy yet startled eyes.

She waved her hands at them. "Oh don't try to be modest, breakfast's ready. Hope you like exotic stuff. Come on now, it's time to eat!" She called while walking away. "Goddamn, scared the hell out of me." Said Cookie. "Sorry- No it's fine. I know how parents are, trust me. You met mine." Said Anika.

Cookie gave a single nod, then standing up. She told Anika she was going to get into the shower. Although Anika could tell she was being somewhat standoffish. After she told her what happened regarding her and Lucious that night, Anika was upset about multiple things. She was upset overall about the principal of Cookie sleeping with someone else, let alone it being him. Anika was also upset at the fact that Cookie ignored her after it happened. She was also upset that she was taken advantage of that way. She couldn't imagine the amount of betrayal one would feel from the person you used to love doing something like that to you.

Sure, she and Lucious were no longer together and she no longer felt anything for him, but she still tried to have some sort of unspoken partnership with him for when one of them needed another. The 'ride of die'. She still knows him like the back of her hand, and same for him.

If Cookie even wanted to get away from him, this is how you know how bad and how angry Lucious really is. He was so desperate to get information about Anika's whereabouts, he broke the trust that he and Cookie had left. He ruined her that way to gain something so small.


Cookie and Anika slowly sat down in the chairs at the table, examining the beautiful breakfast filled with toast, fruit, bacon, and eggs that were organized on it. Two three glasses of orange juice was also present. "Wow, mom. You really threw down, huh?" Cookie asked.

"Oh hush, you know I really enjoy cooking." Renee said. The sat down, and began to line things onto her plate. "This food looks great, Ms. Halloway." Said Anika. Cookie took a sip from her orange juice. "Oh girl stop it. Call me 'mom'." Said Renee. "Aww-" Cookie cut Anika off by suddenly coughing. After a few moments she gathered her composure. "What?" She asked. "You heard me. I want her to call me mom. Isn't that what the spouse is supposed to do?" Renee asked Cookie sarcastically.

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