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Day 5


Renee laughed loudly as she stared at the funny television show flashing across the TV screen. She tossed her head back, hitting her hand onto her thigh. "Tell him Florida, don't let James say that to you, girl!" She exclaimed. The loud vocal laughter echoed across the room.

Lucious trudged down the hallway, rubbing his head in confusion. A drowsy look on his face, stumbling and rubbing his eyes. "What the hell?" He murmured, trying to follow the source of the sound that woke him up at 5am.

He peeled around the living room doorway, seeing the back of Renee's burgundy colored hair that moved in booming laughter to the episode of "Good Times" that flicked on the screen. "Dy-no-mite!" She said. Lucious flattened his lips.

"What the hell are you doing in here?" He asked. She quickly turned her head around to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. She then stood up and walked over to him. "Oh, Lucious..! You're finally awake. Now I can start cooking." She said, brushing by him. He turned around, following behind her. "Now wait a damn minute you don't just start making meals in my house." He said. He followed her until they arrived at the kitchen, and she paused and looking over her shoulder with a look of disbelief. "Right, because that's what you hired the other old woman for. I think it's her day off." She said.

Lucious looked away. "How long have you been up? It's five in the damn morning, don't nobody eat this early." He said, putting his hands on the counter. "I've been up since 4. I had a walk and did a little exercise. Better than sleeping in and waking up late like you do." She said, beginning to open his fridge.

"Waking up late? I wake up at 6. To go to my million-dollar music company. Doing a real job." He said, tapping his finger on the counter as he spoke to her. "Ha!" She said, tossing her head back. "Your company? Don't act like half of that don't belong to my daughter." She said. Lucious stayed silent. "Yeah, I know all about how she got thrown in prison for a crime you both did. My other daughters told me. But I'll put that behind me, now. As long as you two are divorced, I can live happily. I'm too focused on being able to see her again after all this time." Said Renee, waving her hand at him. Lucious stared at her.

"Now, do you want blueberries in your pancakes?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at him with a small grin.


Cookie laughed lightly as she stared back at Anika. Anika chuckled. "Wen' I say it like dat' yah' like it, huh?" She said, leaning in towards Cookie. The two women laid in Anika's bed, both of their hair a reasonable mess but their smiles bright. Both in underwear sets, Cookie still had some getting used to when it came to herself being dressed like this around another woman. Let alone naked.

Anika pecked her lips lightly, Cookies hand on her shoulder. "I need to shower, then we can talk about our plans today..." Cookie mumbled. Anika nodded. "Okay." Anika said. Cookie stared at her a few more moments before getting up. Each time she looked into her eyes she was reminded of what they had done the night before. She smiled, looking away. "What?" Anika cooed. Cookie started laughing, shyly starting to stand up from the bed.

She slowly turned away and walking towards the bathroom. Anika chuckled at her covering up her backside. "Don'  hide it from meh'." Anika joked. "You haven't seen the back yet." Cookie replied. "Basically." Anika teased. "Yeah yeah, Anika. Don't get cocky." Cookie replied, pursing her lips. Anika smiled warmly, staring at her as she walked away.

She turned onto her back after she closed the bathroom door. She bit her lip, then sighing. "I did it righ' on time." She said, as if she was relieved.

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