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Two Days Later


Cookie walked through the hallway leading to Leviticus quickly. Becky was at her side, reading to Cookie her meeting times. "You have a meeting with the investors for the merchandise vendors at two, then a shareholders meeting alongside Lucious and Anika at 5." She said. "Okay, good. And make sure that nosey ass Jimenez doesn't record it the meeting this time to play it for his snake ass bosses like last time." Said Cookie. Becky nodded. "Alright." She said.

They walked over to the stage, loud music booking throughout the speakers. Treasure and Tianna were on the stage, dancing to a song they produced together. Although things started out smoothly at first, the girls tried to gain the attention of the audience that wasn't present. Treasure kept stepping in front of Tianna, while Tianna kept trying to sing louder than Treasure.

"Hold on, stop the music!" Shouted Treasure. "What?" Asked Tianna, an annoyed expression on her face. "What? You keep singing over me, that's what." Said Treasure. "And you keep trying to take my spotlight." Said Tianna. The two girls stepped closer to each other in hostility. "I don't need to try to do that, sweetheart. It happens naturally- Oh does it now?- Yeah it does- Girls!" Shouted Cookie, suddenly approaching the two of them.

"Look, I understand you both don't favor each other, and barely made it through the recording sessions isn't he studio without fighting, but when you want to be an artist, you care to going to work with people you like all the time. It's apart of the business. So put your lil drama off to the side and worry about the audience." Cookie said, pursing her lips at the end. The two girls sighed. "Now, take it from the top!" Cookie yelled. "And where is Jamal?" Asked Cookie.

She saw him approaching from backstage, and he turned around once he saw her. She smiled coming towards him. "Jamal!" She called. He walked away from her, and the rehearsal music started to play again. "Jamal wait- Leave me alone, ma." He told her. "Jamal, please it's been two weeks- and it's going to be longer than that until you live your truth." He said. Cookie looked around hesitantly as if the people backstage were to know the "truth" she was told to live.

"Jamal, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have same that to you- It's not about what you said. It's the way you said it. The way you looked. The disgust on your face. It makes me wonder do you even support me at all or if you did it to get back at dad- Jamal don't say that- I have a rehearsal to do." He said, turning away from her.

She sighed, her expression turned into sadness. She didn't want her son to feel disgusted by her. To feel unwanted or as if her acceptance for him was fake. She gulped, then fixed herself up to continue her tasks on the job.


Cookie sat at the dining table in Lucious' office. He told her to come in there for a reason she was unknown about. She really didn't even want to be in there, but if it's for the company she knows she has to put personal feelings aside. Every time he spoke to her it annoyed her internally once she thought back to Anikas stained face of tears.

She was typing up paperwork while she awaited his arrival. "It's been fifteen minutes. What are you doing man?" She scoffed. Suddenly, thoughts came into her mind. Curiosity was beginning to fill her head. She slowly opened her browser, and began to search something using the incognito tab.

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