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Day 2


"Why, why, why did I do dat'?" Anika asked herself, covering her eyes with her hands as she rested her elbows on the kitchen island, groaning. Cookie was facing away from her at the sink, then turning to sit a glass of water in front of her.

Anika reached for the glass, taking a small sip of water and sitting it back down with a wave of her hand, fanning it away. She turned her head and looking towards the balcony. "I don' even think I can stomach wattah'." She said, sighing. Cookie let out a single chuckle, staring at her. Her hair was currently in a loose laying ponytail to the back, a fitted sleeping silk dress draping down just above her knees.

"You were pretty damn hammered last night, Anika." Said Cookie. Anika groaned. "Ugh! I so sorreh' bout' dat'. Yah' know I not usualleh' like dis'- Don't even apologize. It's okay, really. You're happy to be back at home and so you celebrated. It's okay." Said Cookie. "I was drunk in front of yah'.." said Anika, as if she was embarrassed about the entire situation. "I've been drunk in front of you before, too. And I admitted something about my feelings to you too."'said Cookie.

She then looked down at the floor and back at Anika for a second. "But you did say something, though." Said Anika. Anika stared back at her. "I say nothin' mean, righ?" Anika questioned, almost as if she was nervous. "No, it wasn't mean at all." Said Cookie, shaking her head. "You actually called me 'babe' for the first time..." Cookie trailed off. Anika's face paused, and the two women stared back at each other. "Are yah' for real?"'Anika asked. Cookie nodded, grinning. Anika then groaned again. "Thas' so 'barrisin', ah wah? I so shame-face, now." She said.

"I didn't mind you saying it...It was a little romantic. Even though you were drunk." Said Cookie. Anika looked a little surprised, now. "Romantic?" She asked. Cookie nodded. "You called me babe, so I called you 'boo' in return." She said. Anika tilted her head. Cookie curled her lips as if she was trying not to smile or have a shy reaction to Anika's staring. "Boo, huh?" She asked, starting to walk around the island and towards Cookie, who nodded. Anika walked up to the counter that Cookie was facing away from, and placed her arms on both sides of it.

Cookie smiled lightly. "So I yah' boo, now?" Anika asked. She shrugged. Anika grinned, then leaning in to kiss Cookie gently, her chuckling lightly as she placed her hand onto Anika's shoulder. They kissed a few more times, Anika pulling away after the last one. She stared at Cookie in her eyes. "I thought that you would be hungover.." said Cookie.

"I don' get 'em. I has a headache earlier, thas' all." Said Anika, leaning in to kiss the side of Cookies cheek. "You're a happy drunk, you know. All energetic and stuff. But it was fine." Cookie said. "My famileh' say I'm da' hypeh-active one. I can' help it once in a ways." Replied Anika.

"So are you okay to go out today? Or should we relax so that you can feel better?" Asked Cookie. Anika shook her head quickly. "Oh, no. We not stayin' anywhere today." Said Anika. "Are you sure?" Cookie asked. Anika nodded. "I alreadeh' have a plan. We goin' swimmin' wit' da' stringrays today." Said Anika. Cookie raised her eyebrows. "S-stingrays?" she asked. Anika nodded. "Anika...sting-rays?" Cookie asked again, putting emphasis on the "sting". Anika stared back at her. "What's wrong?" She asked. Cookie tilted her head at her.

"You know stingrays....sting, right?" Cookie asked. "I kno', but not da' ones at Stingray City. It a sandbar a mile off-shore. The operatahs' are professional." Said Anika. Cookie trusted that Anika knew her island better than anyone outside of it, but she was still skeptical. "It's just a little scary to think about...I've never done anything like that before.." said Cookie. "Isn't dis' da' perfect time to try?" Anika asked.

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