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Next Day


Anika laid back onto the bed with a huff, covering her face with her hands. "Ugh, that meeting was a mess. Lucious didn't mention anything to me about last minute changes being made to Tianna and Treasure's schedule. That was so embarrassing." She said, shaking her head. Cookie sighed while she adjusted her robe in the mirror. "Don't mind his stupid ass, I'm going to give him a piece of my mind tomorrow for that. Had you making a fool of yourself without even telling you." Cookie said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, thanks..." Anika said before releasing a huff. "I just wish I could have known- What are you doing?" Anika asked once she suddenly felt Cookies warm body sitting on top of her lap. She removed her arms, looking down at her. Cookie batted her eyes up at her, a white silk pajama short set draped along her body. She looked down at Anika, grabbing her hand slowly and taking it up into hers. "What? I can't sit on you like this?" Cookie asked.

Anika squinted slightly, a small smirk forming on her lips. She took her bottom lip into her mouth. "What?" Cookie asked, tilting her head, but her expression showed that she had sneaky intentions. Anika's hands gently trailed up the side of her waist. "Of course you can sit on me like this. You can sit on me anyway you like." Anika said, making Cookie gently push her shoulder. "Stop it..." Cookie joked. "Stop what? I haven't done anything...yet!" Anika said suddenly gripping Cookies waist and pulling her down on top of her. Cookie laughed, her face going into Anika's neck while Anika took that opportunity to give quick and constant pecks onto the side of her neck.

Cookie leaned upward again, her hair flowing back over her head. Her laughter was dying down. Things seemed to move slowly as Anika stared at her. "Wow..." She said. "What?" Cookie asked. Anika blinked slowly, a small smile growing on her face again. "You're beautiful." She said, shaking her head. Cookies face turned soft, her mouth seeming to show a pout. "Anika..." She said. "You always manage to make me feel better. Just looking at you, I feel better." She said. Cookie gave a sad smile, almost as if she was going to tear up from Anika's sweet words.

"I love you." Anika said, making Cookie exhale. She put her hands onto the side of Anika's arms. "I love you, too..." She said, putting her thumb up to her teeth, her face darkening with shyness. Anika leaned upward, moving her arm gently and wrapping it around her shoulder. She leaned in gently to her lips and gave her a slow and passionate kiss, the women turning their heads to the side. Cookies heart melted, and her other arm also draped around her shoulders. Cookie released a hum while Anika leaned back, bringing Cookie down onto the bed with her, their lips still intertwined as Anika caressed her waist.


Anikas cell phone ringing made her jump out of her thoughts. She was laying in her guest bedroom bed, her eyes closed but her mind unable to fall asleep. She had a headache from her tears, and a stiff feeling in her body from laying in one spot for too long. She reached over to the nightstand, grabbing her cell phone.

"Jamal?" She asked. She hoped that it wasn't Cookie on the other end calling on behalf of him after finding out that she blocked her. She answered it after awhile of it ringing. "H-hello?" She answered quietly. "Anika? I'm so glad that you answered." Jamal said from the other end. She was somewhat relieved that it was truly him. "H-hey, Jamal..." She said. "Hey. Look, I...I heard about what happened and I'm not here to beg the both of you to get back together, but...I have something to tell you..." He said. "Something to tell me?" She asked. "Yeah..." He trailed off. Although, before he could speak, he heard a buzz from his own cell phone. "Hold on a second, I got a text message.." He said.

Mom: "Jamal, don't tell her anything. Don't! Please, don't. I don't want to make things worse than they already are. Don't turn her against her mother."

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