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One Week Later


Cayman Islands


"Yes, mother I told you that we will come with you to buy groceries. We just woke up, it's kind of early." Said Anika into the phone. "We will be there in a few hours. Promise. Okay, love you, byeeee." Anika said quickly, then hanging up the phone. She tossed it onto her couch, then lying down with a huff.

"Geez, she so impatient, ah wah?" She mumbled, closing her eyes for a moment. She was already dressed, but was waiting for Cookie-who had now reverted back to officially being Loreatha according to their marriage license- to finish getting ready.

She and Anika had been on their honeymoon for one week out of two, and it was magical for the both of them. They left two days after the wedding, and when they arrived they didn't even rip each other out of their clothes how people usually do. They laid down, stared into each other's eyes, and appreciated each other through kissing and physical touching.

Loreatha came out of the bathroom, shaking her hair after she styled it. She wore some white caprees and a black and white stripped shirt. She came into the living room, searching for Anika. "Oh, there you are." She said. Anika opened her eyes, then releasing a light chuckle. "You're dressing like my mom, now." She said. "Really? How? I just thought it was cute..." Loreatha said.

"Are you going to take out a camera and make me pose by a coconut tree?" Anika joked. "Or are you going to wear the huge shades and bulky sun hat so that you don't see coworkers you don't like and can give people the stink eye without them noticing?" Anika said, laughing to herself.

Loreatha flattened her lips, putting her hands onto her hips. This only made Anika laugh harder. "You're dressed exactly how the tourists are...!" Anika laughed. Loreatha crossed her arms. "Fine, fine. I'll put on a dress. I'm just trying to dress respectfully around your mom." She said.

Anika shook her head. "You should take my laughing as a compliment, that means you're dressed just like her. She'll love it, keep that on. I always make fun of her for how she goes out sometimes, too." Said Anika. "Are you sure?" Loreatha asked, tilting her head. "Yes, wife." Anika replied.

Loreatha smiled reluctantly, then turning away. "I'm going go put my shoes on." She said. Anika smiled. She's enjoyed their vacation so far. She thought about the night they came here and curled up together watching TV. Neither of them were in the mood to take it any further than that.

But, Anika couldn't say much about the next night...


That Night


Loreatha released a sensual moan as she rode the toy on top of Anika's lap. "Mm, baby..." Anika whispered. Loreatha smirked, her hands on Anika's chest and staring down at her with seductive eyes. She was drunken with desire and releasing quiet but hearty moans.

"This feels so good..." She whispered. "And you look so good too..." Anika replied, gripping her waist. Loreatha raised up her hands to cup her own breasts. "Do you like this...?" She whispered. "So much..." Anika answered. Loreatha bit her lip, lifting up her arms to run her fingers through her hair. Anika cupped her breasts. "You're so sexy..." She said.

"I like it when you take control, your hips moving like that is doing something to me..." She continued. Loreatha moaned. "Yes..." She groaned. "Ah, I'm so glad you don't have neighbors..." She chuckled, then leaning down to kiss Anika's neck.

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