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Next Morning

The Day of Cookies Flight


Anika was sitting on the side of her bed this morning, unable to have much of a reaction besides her dry stare that focused on the floor. It was as if her mind was blank. Well, not entirely, but only thinking of one thing.

The fact that Cookie was leaving today.

A few nights were all they had, and sure enough they were only hookups. Just like how she suggested that they should've been. Everything went according to the initial plan. She should be happy, right?

She couldn't even pretend to be satisfied with it. She should have known better. Better than to come up with this as a solution to trying to avoid falling back in love with each other. And now look. Cookie will come back again a few hours before her flight, they'll have sex again and they'll both be on their ways. Back to their separate lives and starting to practice forgetting each other again.

She'll no longer be able to have her touch or hold her close. She won't be able to make love with her again until who knows how long, if not forever.

And she couldn't stand how Cookie was acting about this whole thing. She acted so okay with it, and she shouldn't be. Where is the protesting? Refusing to leave her alone and try instead to re-establish some sort of relationship? Why would she actually agree to just be a...screw buddy?

This wasn't normal, at least it shouldn't be. Anika tried her hardest to avoid falling for her again. She kept thinking about the night that Cookie came up with an excuse on the fly to leave just so that she didn't have to talk about whatever Anika wanted to talk about.

It was like she was afraid. Scared to have a conversation or be caught up in something. And instead of talking about it, she just ran. Much like how she did when she...tried to deny her feelings for her.


Cookie spent the early morning packing her suitcase. She wanted to have it done before her evening flight.

Although, her sisters were sad about leaving because it meant they'd have to go back to work and their everyday lives of responsibility. But Cookie on the other hand, had her mind clouded with other things while she packed.

She couldn't stop herself from thinking about Anika. And she kicked herself for it. Sure she was feeling down about the entire relationship for a year after they broke up. Sure she secretly wished that she could see her again. Sure she was surprised when Anika asked to be friends with benefits and then go their separate ways.

But then, Cookie agreed to it. Agreed to sleeping with her. And then she became the one that was blunt about it. Was it because she felt that Anika was up to something?

As beautiful as their relationship was, they couldn't enjoy it. Their relationship would be really similar to hers and Lucious'. Constantly running, always on edge, constantly peeking over your shoulder wondering if someone has a hit on you. She didn't want that for Anika. Anika deserved so much better, and Cookie felt that she didn't deserve anybody. Not as long as Lucious was around.

But today was the last day that they'll probably see each other. For awhile, anyway. Who knows what part of the world they'll see each other in next? Cookie awaited her call so that she could have another memorable moment together.

But it wasn't even the sex that made everything like this. That was a strong addition, though. Cookie realized a long time ago that she just developed an addiction to Anika in general. The way her body felt in her hands, her smile, her laugh, her scent. God, it drove Cookie crazy. Being held by her at night was unreal. She never wanted to let go. She was able to feel her love coat her with every loving exhale she'd release within her sleep.

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