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Las Vegas, Nevada


Cookies body landed onto the bed, and she released an exhausted huff. "Finally we're off that damn plane." Said Cookie. "Oh hush, the flight really wasn't that bad." Said Candace. "Yeah, right. That five hour flight gave me a crick in my neck." Said Carol. "Oh stop your complaining. The most important thing is that we're here now, and now we get to go wild and crazy and probably be a little mischievous.." Candace trailed off, moving her shoulders and squinting at Cookie, who rolled her eyes. "And it all gets to stay in Vegas." She finished.

Cookie rose up from the bed. "Yeah, well y'all two heffas' can have fun being as 'mischievous' as you want to, meanwhile I'm here purely to relax and nothing else." She said, heading towards the bathroom. Candace fanned her hand at her. "Suit yourself, old woman." Candace replied. "You're the oldest out of all of us, stupid." Cookie said before closing the bathroom door. 

She put her back against the door and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. Sure, that's usually what people vacation for. For relaxing and being able to have the opportunity to cut loose before having to return to their lives of responsibility. In Cookies case, it seemed easier than done. How could she manage to relax? Her mind was still foggy at times. It wasn't clear of the past. Not completely, and who knows how long it might take for that to happen? If she was going to vacation to a place like Vegas, she didn't expect for it to be with her sisters. 

"Why do I have a bad feeling about this trip..."


Two Days Later


"Why do you two keep taking me to places like this?" Cookie groaned, staring down at the woman who began to place a strip of wax onto her womanhood. "Because this is the place that women go to when they're trying to have a bit of fun." Candace said. "Why do ya'll keep insisting that I'm going to be down here freaking around on somebody?" Cookie asked. "Cookie, you need to just start having fun, trying something new and coming out of your comfort zone." Said Carol. Cookie turned to look at her. "I did that Carol, remember that?" Cookie asked. Her face then softened. "And look how that ended up..." She mumbled. 

"Okay, Okay..! No more wallowing on the past. Okay, so you don't have to have any flings or one night stands, fine. But at least maybe party, and just try to have fun, Cookie. We're doing this for you." Said Candace. "Yeah with my credit card, huh?" Cookie asked. Carol started laughing, and Cookie couldn't help chuckling faintly as well. She knew her sisters had good intentions. She just wished that they understood that her feelings are something that likely couldn't be fixed.  

"And to make sure that you actually do have fun, we're going to a nightclub tomorrow night, so you better get your best clubbing outfit ready. And you're not allowed to mope a single bit about the past, got that?" Candace asked. "The club?- Yes- Oh, lord..." Cookie sighed. 


Next night


"Are you ready to go yet, sis?!" Carol called from the outside of the bathroom. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fixing my makeup, damn!" Cookie called. Although, on the other side, she wasn't doing her makeup at all. She was looking in the mirror, trying to mentally prepare herself to be around such a large and bustling crowd of people. For some reason, she felt as if she was having fun on terms that she shouldn't. "Why did I agree to come here if I was just going to be acting like this the whole time?" She mumbled to herself. "Just go and have fun. This is painful but it's apart of healing. I guess I just can't keep living this way. I have to try...but god, I wish I didn't have to..."

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