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6 Months Later


Cookie picked up the phone, grinning on the other end at the good news she had just heard. "They really told you that?" She asked. Anika nodded from her end. "Yep. They told me I can appeal my sentence. My lawyer said it might be a good idea since it's a first time offense and I didn't try to kill Lucious anyway." Said Anika.

"I really hope it works. I can't handle you being in there and I know you hate it even more." Said Cookie. "Some days aren't so bad. But I've been on a good streak lately so hopefully I can get noticed for that." Said Anika. "I think you will. I mean after all, they shortened mine by about 20 years. I couldn't imagine staying in there any longer than I did." Said Cookie.

"I know. I'm glad you didn't. And someday I'll be out of here, too. But, enough about prison. Let me have something else to think about besides where I am right now." She said. "Okay, well...can I tell you something that's been on my mind lately?" Cookie asked. "Yeah, of course. What's going on?" Anika asked.

Cookie was currently laying on her bed, fresh out of the shower with her body wrapped in a towel. Her hair was sprawled out onto her bed. "I know we've been in New York for a long time, but I also think that so much has happened here." Said Cookie. Anika huffed. "Yeah, tell me about it." She said.

"So I was thinking, what if we...left New York? Left and live somewhere else?" Cookie asked. "You want to move somewhere else? Another state?" Anika asked. "Like where?" She continued. "I...really like the idea of being in a place with a lot of nature. With a lot of trees. A place pure and quiet and great for us to live in peace." Said Cookie.

"So I was thinking maybe Washington...or Oregon. Something like that. Far, far, away." Said Cookie. Anika thought for a moment. "You want to go to go to the west coast?" Anika asked. "I really can't do this anymore, Anika. I can't. I know that my family is here, my mother, sisters, and my boys but everything just reminds me of that evil that was following us. I want to live a simple life. I want this life and what we dealt with to be completely forgotten about. And I can't forget about it while I'm still here." Cookie explained.

"I just want a boring life." Cookie said. "Wow, Cookie. Are you sure? That's on the other side of the country. I mean I know the islands are a distance too but this is so different." Said Anika. "It was just a thought...but I really don't want to be anywhere near New York, Anika." Said Cookie.

Anika nodded. "I understand. We can discuss it. We can figure something out. I want you happy and I know I'm also sick of New York. But what about Empire?" Asked Anika. "My boys can handle it. I know they can. And we can still give them advice if they need it. I was thinking we can make something of our own. Our own company and partner them together." Suggested Cookie.

"Wow, you've really been thinking while I've been gone." Said Anika. "I've been able to think a lot clearer knowing that Lucious is gone. It'll probably take years before I believe it for real, but I'm starting to see some truth in it." Said Cookie. Anika smiled.

"That makes me happy. Are you still going to your therapy sessions?" Anika asked. "Yep. Actually me and my therapist have been spending time together outside of sessions. She's actually a potential friend I've made. And you'll never believe this. She and her wife are actually relocating to Oregon." Said Cookie. "I'm glad to hear that. Is that part of the reason you want to go?" Anika asked chuckling. "A little..." Cookie admitted.

"You're so cute. I miss you." Anika said. "I miss you too. It gets a little hard when I'm all alone and you aren't here to keep me company." Cookie said. Anika playfully groaned in a low voice. "Awe, I wish I could be there to hold you." Said Anika. "I could really use that right now. And to see and kiss your face. I haven't kissed you in so long." Cookie whined.

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