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Two Days Later


"So she remembers you, now?" Jamal asked enthusiastically, his eyes searching his mother for the answer to his question. She nodded. "She does. She really does." Cookie replied happily, a breath of relief leaving from her mouth.

A smile filled the corners of his mouth. "That's great ma. That's really great. Finally things are turning around for the better." He said. Cookie was about to reply, but she then noticed the background of Jamals whereabouts. She had forgotten all about Empire, and for the last six months everyone has been asking where she was. She wouldn't be surprised that they'd be asking for her guidance when Lucious was trying to act like a dictator.

Jamal noticed her expression slightly sulk. "What's wrong? You okay?" He asked her. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just remembered...Empire. I really haven't thought about it while I was being so concerned with Anika. Aside from the constant calls from all the music artists including Becky and Porsha, I really just thought about it being work. Not...Empire." She said. "Everyone really wishes you were here, you know. Have you seen the headlines? People think you've disappeared off the face of the earth. They're saying the same thing about Anika too." He stated.

"I feel like I have fallen of the face of the earth. His earth. I just don't seem to want to have anything to do with any of it anymore..." she said. "With anymore of what?" He asked. Cookie stared for a moment, catching herself. She realized that it probably wouldn't be best for her to go into detail about how she's been feeling about Empire lately. About how her confidence in that workplace has been going downhill since the incident.

"Ma...I know that you haven't been feeling so great about empire lately, but at this point, after how long it's been..." Jamal trailed off, then looking around to check his surroundings before speaking. "The company isn't doing so good. Not as good as it was when you and Anika were here. And plus...people are starting to...talk..." he whispered. Cookie blinked multiple times. "Talk? What do you mean talk?" She questioned.

"Y'know...why you chose to leave after Anika was fired. Why you both are gone and what could possibly make the great Cookie Lyon leave a company she helps maintain all for some employee. That's what they're questioning." He said. Cookie hasn't seen anything regarding herself in the news. She didn't read newspapers and she stopped keeping up with the headlines once she had become depressed again. Usually she would be right on top of it, yelling at her boys about the news that reached the public about them before it even reached her ears.

But now for some reason, it seemed as though none of that mattered. As if she didn't see the value in worrying about it, because she knew if she did she'd have to step back into Empire, and Empire is what ruined both her and Anika. Both the company and the dictator of it.

"What can I do, Jamal?" She asked. "What do you mean what can you do? Ma, they aren't just normal headlines, they're- Cookie..! Can you please come here really quick?" A voice suddenly cut in from rooms away. Cookie turned her head almost instantly. She looked back at the screen. "I have to go. I'll call you back, I promise. I've just been trying to nurse her back to health and- I know. Yeah, I know." He said. "Just give me awhile, okay?" She asked. "Yeah ma, go ahead I have some stuff to take care of myself. Just make sure that you...be careful.." he said.


"I'm on my way..!" Cookie called back, sliding off of the couch and heading towards Anika's bedroom. Last night she slept at her house, which was something that Cookie had missed. She urged for those same memories that they used to share together. And now it seemed like it was all returning to it's original place.

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