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The Wedding Day


Morning- 6am


Cookies eyes shot open, and she sat up quickly. She turned off the alarm quickly, then leaping out of the bed. Her tiredness immediately went away the moment she realized just what day it was. She squealed, clapping her hands together a single time. "Oh my god, it's my wedding day! I'm getting married in eight hours...!" She exclaimed, a toothy smile on her face.

Suddenly, her face fell to shock. "Oh my god, I'm getting married in eight hours!" She shouted, then going to wake up her sisters. "Ya'll get up, we need to get started now!" She shouted. Carol sat up first, rubbing her eyes. "Sis, why are you shouting?" She groaned. Candace got hit with a pillow from Cookie. "Cookie what the hell is your problem?" Candace asked.

"Ya'll need to get up...!" Cookie said. "Why are you waking us up now? We already agreed that we were going to wake up at 6:30 to give you time to shower first." Said Carol. "Look, I know what I said but I don't feel that way anymore, we need to all get up and start getting ready right away. Oh my god, I need to shower...!" Cookie said, scurrying into the bathroom and shutting the door. Her sisters could hear the water running immediately. "Can one of ya'll get breakfast started...?!" She called out.

Candace and Carol exchanged looks. "I told you she was going to be like this...Paula is so damn lucky she volunteered to work on the venue these past few days." Said Carol, getting up. Paula had chosen to be the one facilitating the venue and assist the wedding planner with anything that needed to be done for the wedding. "It's literally been...three minutes and she's acting like she's running out of time." Said Candace.


Once Cookie was done showering, she sat at the kitchen island while still wrapped in her towel. "Cookie, why don't you at least go put some clothes on first...I'm not done Cooking yet." Said Candace. Cookie stood up and scurried to her bedroom.

"My goodness what is going on with her this morning, she's running around here like a bat out of hell." Said Candace. Carol leaned against the island. "Well she's been with Anika for some years now, I could imagine she's ready to tie the knot as soon as possible. Remember last night when she kept whining about how badly she wanted to talk to her?" Carol asked.

Candace nodded. "I don't think I've even seen Cookie act this obsessed with Lucious." Candace said, then shivering as if she had gotten the chills of disgust at the thought of him. "She probably wouldn't have acted like that over Barry either. I don't know what kind of magic Anika worked on Cookie, but it's some strong stuff because Cookie can't even stop staring at the ring." Laughed Carol.

"And remember that time we heard them all lovey-dovey on the phone in the middle of the night?" Candace asked. Carol put a fake phone up to her ear. "Boo, I wish you were here, my back is hurting..." Carol mimicked. "Aww, my poor baby. If I was there I'd give you a nice massage- You would?- Of course I would- Can you stay on the phone with me tonight? I miss you- Of course I can babe, I miss you too...!" She mocked, switching back and forth between imitations of her sister and Anika's voices.

The two women laughed. "I swear, those two sound just like some high school sweethearts." Said Candace. "Well look, I'm just glad someone got her out of that tough role she always had because of how much she was around Lucious. Just last week she was talking about how when they get to Oregon she wants to start gardening. Back when we were young, gardening was the last thing you thought about doing in the hood- O-kay...! ? You and the plant would get got." Candace replied, and the two women laughed again.

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