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Next Spring: The Rehearsal


Cookie watched as all of the immediate guests filed into the banquet hall. Today was the day of she and Anika's rehearsal dinner. The two of them could not believe that they were set to get married in less than a week.

Cookie would talk about it over and over again, and despite Anika being just as excited, she found even more excitement in hearing Cookie express her happiness. Sometimes it even brought tears to her eyes seeing such a healthy glow in her. It was probably the happiest she's ever seen her, but the wedding day would likely beat that.

Right now, they were both dealing with a high level of positive stress; worrying about getting decorations, organization, and catering in order. Cookie had finally decided on a dress, and Anika on a suit.

"Okay everyone, I need Andal, and Audley to stand there on the side. Everyone should come down the middle aisle into the seats..." Said Anika. They practiced walking up and down the aisle, Anika first. Then Anika stood at the altar, and watched as Cookie walked down being held by Renee. They practiced their stances and proper positioning.

"I can't wait until we can do this for real.." Said Anika. Cookie smiled. "It'll be a dream come true." Said Cookie, and Anika kissed her hand. "Okay everyone, let's practice it a few more times before we have the rehearsal dinner!" Anika called.

"Damn, I can't believe this is really happening..." Said Hakeem. "Didn't you give mom your 'blessing'?" Asked Andre. "Yeah, I did. I happy for her and all, but damn she keeps nagging me about showing up on time." Said Hakeem. "Don't go hanging out the night before, I mean what I said boy!" Hakeem mocked his mother. "I heard that, boy!" Cookie called, and her sons laughed.

She walked over to him, cupping his face. "But I still meant what I said, I'll find a way to stick my foot up your behind even in a dress- Alright, alright. I promise I won't go out." He said. "Good." She said, then kissing his cheek. "Now boys I need you to go and practice." She said.


Later on that night, everyone was seated in a high-end lounge for the rehearsal dinner. The long table was perfectly decorated for all of the people participating int he wedding aside from the outside guests.

On the table were chocolate and cream biscuit desserts, including shining wine and champagne glasses

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On the table were chocolate and cream biscuit desserts, including shining wine and champagne glasses. Even Anturo's daughter, Nasaria, had a seat at the table as the ring bearer. Cookie and Anika stood at the end of the table, two chairs next to one another.

Everyone mingled and talked, getting settled as their drinks were poured. Cookie faced Anika, bouncing on her heels. "I can't believe this is happening. It all looks perfect." Cookie said. Anika grinned, kissing her lips for a moment. "I know. But to make sure, I need to go check in with the chefs to guarantee that the food is ready." She said, then kissing Cookie on the cheek before stepping away. "Kay'..." Cookie said.

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