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Next morning


The bright sun burned Cookies eyes this morning. She let out a loud groan, covering her eyes with her pillow. Her feet were hanging out of the bed, her sheets were unkempt, her shoes were in two different parts of her room, her hair was a mess, and she was still dressed in her dress from the night before.

Suddenly, her alarm went off and she let out an even louder groan of annoyance. Eventually, she raised her hand out of the bed and grabbed her cell phone. She opened her eyes slowly to unlock it and stop the alarm.

She yawned, then taking a glance at the time. "It's only 9:15...I still have time." She said drowsily, then closing her eyes. A few second later, her eyes shot open and she sat up quickly. "9:15?!" She exclaimed. "Oh hell no..!" She said, quickly getting out of her bed. She stumbled on one of her shoes, letting out a wince. She looked around her room seeing the condition it was in. She looked at herself in the mirror, seeing her tussled hair and her still in her dress. Her makeup was still on her face, but her mascara was smeared.

She furrowed her eyebrows in complete bewilderment. "What the hell?" She asked herself. She quickly ran out of her room, taking her phone with her and heading to her bathroom to shower.

She showered, removed her makeup then reapplied it, and styled her hair. As she did so in her bathroom mirror, her phone got two text messages. She looked down at it, seeing that it was Anika. She opened the message, and her mouth dropped open.

Anika "Goodmorning. Hopefully you're feeling better. I know you'll be likely running later to work this morning."

Anika "I won't mention anything to anyone about what happened last night, I promise. And don't worry, I'm not making a big deal about it."

"What happened last night?" Asked Cookie. "Making a big deal out of what?" She asked. Cookie immediately began to feel her heart starting to race. She couldn't seem to remember anything regarding the night before, and she hoped nothing happened that she will regret.

"Oh my God, no." She said. "Please God no." She said. She shook her hands, displaying her anxiety.

Cookie "What happened last night? I don't remember anything."

Anika "I'd rather not talk about it. You probably wouldn't want to know either."

Cookie covered her mouth with her hands. Instead of texting Anika, she called her. Anika answered the phone after some delay. When she answered, she was whispering. "Anika, tell me what happened. I don't care if it's bad, I need to know." Said Cookie. "Are you sure?"Anika asked. "I'm sure." Said Cookie. "Okay." Replied Anika.


Last Night


After the countless songs that Anika and Cookie danced to, Cookie was so proud of the reactions from the investors, she wanted to celebrate any way she could. Everyone drank, but Cookie seemed to be in such a urge to cut loose after dancing with Anika, she drank more than she expected. Little did anyone know, the main reason Cookie did it was to make anxiety decrease about her inner thoughts.

Even though Cookie has never gotten drunk at a work event, she had gotten tipsy enough for her peers to notice. The event was over at the time, and people were beginning to clear out. Cookie stumbled ever so slightly as she walked down the stairs. "Are you okay?" Asked Porsha from the bottom of the stairs. "I'm fine, girl." Replied Cookie, although Porsha had to catch her once she reached the bottom. "Are you drunk?" Asked Porsha. "I'm not drunk." Replied Cookie. Anika was looking for her near the exit, and she saw her talking to Porsha.

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