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Next Day

Cookie and Anika entered the building this morning with annoying thoughts flowing through their heads. Yesterday was filled with nothing but bitterness and aggravation. Imagining how it would be today was exaggerated.

Two women set together to work on a song, and arguing like children within less than an hour? It was embarrassing if that information was told to the board. Cookie had to keep her image. She couldn't let Anika ruin it.

She walked into the studio, sat down her purse and began to turn on the lights. She walked up to the soundboard, started to start up the best they worked on yesterday. Well, the beat Cookie worked on. All Anika did was turn the knob. Something she could hardly do right.

Anika approached the door, and stopped her hand on the handle before twisting it. She let out a sigh once seeing Cookie already inside. "Don't have an issue with her today, Anika. Don't fall for her attempts to aggravate you. Just go in there and get today's work done." She Said to herself.

She opened the door and walked inside. Cookie took a single look at her, and continued to work on He soundboard. Anika sat down her things, then slowly approached the soundboard next to Cookie.

"Morning. What?" Cookie Said. "Morning. And nothing. Just watching. Waiting until I can participate." Anika Said. "Well you'll be waiting a long time, Anika." Cookie Said.

She gave the woman a side eye. Cookie continued to work. "Typical of you to not know how to make yourself known in the workplace." Cookie whispered. "What?" Anika Asked. "Nothing." Said Cookie. "You did say something. Do you ever get tired of running your mouth about people?" Anika Said. She was beginning to get irritated with Cookie always bickering. "About other people, sure. You? Never." She Said. She let out a cackle. "I'm getting truly tired of this." Said Anika. "I've been tired of you." Said Cookie.

Anika was sure enough going to prove where she stood. She walked up to the soundboard, shoved cookie out of the way and began to attempt to work with it. Cookie stumbled, and immediately straightened herself up. "What the hell are you doing?!" She snapped at her. She walked up to Anika and tried to pull her back. Anika stood her ground. Cookie was strong, but Anika was as well enough of a match when it came to pushing and shoving. The woman stood still like a wall. "Move it!" Cookie snapped. "Are you upset that I'm doing my job?" Anika asked innocently, in a tone that made cookie want to slap the taste from her mouth.

She reached forward and tried to pry Anika's hands away from the knobs and switches. "I'm not in the mood to be fighting with you." Said Anika. "You snobby bitch. Fine! Go ahead and tear the shit up then. We'll see how Lucious feels when he gets turned in some trash." Said Cookie.

She turned her back with her arms crossed. Anika shrugged. She began to flip switches and turn knobs. A soft melody began to erupt from the soundboard. Cookie rolled her eyes.

[Click play]

"You can't get by with making that bougie shit. That kumbaya tra-" Cookie was cut off when a hip hop beat began to smoothly transition into the song. Her eyes widened. "Oh wait, that made you shut up didn't it?" Anika Said coolly. Cookie whipped around, and walked up to the soundboard, peering at the keys and knobs she rotated. "I thought you said you didn't know how to- Lucious gave me some lessons." She smirked. Cookie cleared her throat, rolling her eyes. Anika looked up at her face while she was lost in the soundboard. "I'm just kidding. I really researched." She Said.

Cookie shrugged. "Okay." Was all She Said. "So You still think I don't know what I'm doing?" Anika Asked. "I don't know. You're still no professional." She Said. "I know." She replied. She started to smile for some unknown reason. "Why are you grinning so much?" Cookie Asked. "I proved you wrong. It's satisfying." She Said.

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