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One Week Later


Anika laid huddled up on a red velvet ottoman, her knees up to her chest while a pillow was held in her arms. She didn't say a word, but her face seemed to be paralyzed.

Her mother stared at her from the doorway of the bedroom, a look of mixed emotions on her face. She hasn't seen Anika this hurt since what happened between she and Tori. But this time, there was more pain. More sorrow and simmering anger. She couldn't see her daughters face, but her body language made everything obvious.

Her mother inched inside, then slowly sitting down on the free edge of the ottoman. She put her hand onto her shoulder. "Teedee- I don'...I don' wanna talk 'bout it. I don' wanna talk 'bout anythin', mommeh'." Anika said. "Well I onleh' comin' to check on you, yah' not eatin' 'n' yah' not talkin' tah' me or yah' breddren. I don' wan' you tah' get sick." Said her mother.

Anika blinked slowly from the direction she was facing. It was silent for awhile. "I block' her number."  Anika mumbled. "Yah' wah?" Her mother asked. Anika only nodded. "So now, she can' talk tah' meh'. Never unless she fine meh'." Said Anika. Her mother squeezed her shoulder gently. "Yah' kno, Teedee. Sometime' things don' work out for errybody. Sometime' yah' gotta let it go even tho' it hurt." Said her mother.

"Maybe it time for yah' to start fresh. Live a new life, fine' a new place tah' stay. Yah' can alway' move back to yah' house on da' islands." Said her mother. "I not readeh'." Said Anika. "How come? Yah' waitin' for her to come back? So dat' she can hurt yah' again? I tired of seein' yah' hurtin' 'cause of her. Yah' returnin' back to me was a miracle on it' own. Onleh' relax 'n' eat." She said. "Easeh' for you tah' say. I loved her, mommeh." Said Anika. Her mother only stared at her. "Well I also love yah' 'n' I love yah' too much tah' keep wonderin' about if yah' goin' tah' survive." She said.


"Y-you what?" Jamal asked, his expression confused while looking at his mother's face through the FaceTime call. "I broke things off with her, Jamal. We're not together anymore and we haven't been for a week now." Said Cookie. Jamal let out a huff of a chuckle. "You're kidding right, ma? Right? I mean there's no way that the two of you have broken up. After all you've been through together? You struggling with your sexuality, your past, Tori, Anika's mother, your mother, dad, and now you're just going to end it?" He asked.

"That's the thing, Mal. Her mother was the one who convinced me that I should do it. I tried to deny it, to tell her there was no need for me to break up with her, but she wouldn't back down. She's told me about this idea since Anika was in her coma. She told me to leave her as soon as she wakes up because she couldn't bare to keep worrying about her and what our lifestyle might bring to the both of us. And you know what, I agree with her. I do." Said Cookie.

"She told you to leave Anika and you listened? Why would she say that? It's not like you're on the run or something." Said Jamal. "No, Jamal. I thought about it. Even though I'm not the one who is bringing life-changing into drama into her life, Lucious is. And as long as he keeps chasing after us because of how much he hates our relationship, we'll never be safe. We'll never actually be able to have the relationship that we took so much time to develop." Said Cookie.

"So what are you going to do now? Since she's gone?" He asked. She didn't reply, but she looked down at the floor. Before she spoke again, he said something. "Don't tell me. Don't tell me you're going to do what I think you will, Ma..." he said. "I...I don't really have any other choice- No other choice? You have loads of choices, mom- Like what?" She asked. "Go on, list them. Because this isn't just something I decided overnight. It wasn't an easy option and I made sure that it was my absolute last. But what else can I do, Jamal? Huh?" She asked him.

"So...you broke up with her...and you're just going to go back to Empire working for dad like nothing ever happened?" He asked. "I feel like that's the only way he will leave me alone. Leave her alone. If it means I have to sacrifice our relationship to save her, then I'll do that- that's the thing, mom. You keep sacrificing things for yourself in order to help other people. This is the second time you've sacrificed your happiness for dad. You did it in prison, taking the blame for something that was his idea, and now you're doing it again, sacrificing the true love that you had with someone." Said Jamal. "When are you going to stop sacrificing? When are you going to put your happiness first? You say you're doing it out of love for Anika but if it was me I'd run away with the happiness I get to keep, wether it be until the enemy gives up or until I can't run anymore. Because that's what you do for love. 'Ride or die' was meant to be for you and Anika. Not you and dad."



"So tell me more about this house..." Anika whispered into Cookies ear, her arms wrapped around her body while she watched Cookie blow a pile of bubbles from the palm of her hand.

The bathtub was filled to the brim with bubbles, rose petals sat floating on the surface while the lights were down low. Candles were lined around the edges while slow music played from a speaker.

Cookies hair was clipped up, and Anika's hair was wet and slicked back. Cookies leaned her head back onto her shoulder. She stared up at the ceiling, a thinking, but smiling expression on her face. "Hmm...I'm thinking peonies in the front entrance. The path leading up to the door. But then I worry about how much work it would be to maintain them. But aside from that, I like the idea of one of our walls being painted with an image of something beautiful. Something that reminds us of well...us. That our home is our sanctuary and our safe space filled with only the greatest of love- Mm hmm..." Anika mumbled, giving a sultry and slow kiss onto Cookie cheek, just listening to the sounds of her soothing voice.

"And I'd want a specific room for any hobbies I'll develop, because knowing me, I always like to see something being created." Said Cookie, nodding. "What else?" Anika asked. Although, she couldn't really think of anything else at the moment. "That's it...for now." She chuckled. Anika hummed.

"Why are you doing all this humming and this kissing? Are you trying to hint something?" Cookie asked. Anika laughed, tossing her head back. "I'm not trying to hint anything, I'm just appreciating you. I like having this intimate time together. I like the feeling of your love, is that wrong?" Anika asked.

"Yeah yeah..." Cookie mumbled, and Anika grinned before kissing her cheek again. She turned towards Anika, blowing some bubbles towards her face. Anika squinted. Cookie chuckled. Suddenly, Anika leaned in and kissed her lips deeply, and it took a moment for the women to pull away. Cookie smiled, kissing her again after she backed up.


Cookies eyes shot awake. She looked around her, staring at the same empty spot that's been empty for a week now. Another dream. It hurt. They won't leave her alone. She huffed, huddling up into a ball on her bed. "God, I hate myself for this. Everytime I shut my eyes she's there." Cookie mumbled, her eyes starting to water.

She thought about what Jamal said. About how she should go about this situation differently. But what can she do besides what she's always done? Putting herself aside is all she knows.

It's all she can think of.


To Be Continued


I know that this is very short but I've just been having a hard time updating because of how busy I am! But I hope you all enjoy anyway and I'll try to type out another chapter soon!

Do you think that Anika will change her mind about blocking Cookie?

Will Anika move away and start a new life?

How do you feel about what Jamal said to his mother? Do you agree with him?

Do you think that Cookie will take his advice or go back to Empire?

Do you think that Cookie will try to find Anika? How long do you think it'll take?

Hope you all enjoyed! Until next time!

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