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Day 4 Continued


[play song] Anika held Cookies hand, slowly leading her through the hallway and into the bedroom. Cookie was nervous, she didn't know what was going on or why Anika was taking her there.

She slowly stood in front of the bed, lightly leading Cookie to standing in front, facing away from it but in front of Anika. Anika stared into her eyes, them being low and intent. Cookie felt her heart beating quickly. "W-what?" She asked.

Anika slowly raised up her hand, placing her fingers onto the bottom of Cookies chin and tilting it up to matching her level. She stared down at her lips. "I know dat' I move too fast last time for yah'..." Anika whispered.

"But I wan' tah' make up for dat'...tonight...'n' go as slow as yah' need meh' to." She said. Cookie gulped, being unable to speak. She wasn't sure of what to say, but all she knew was that she was currently standing in a bedroom with Anika, while she looked at her as if she wanted to devour her.

She urged out something quietly. "T-tonight?" Cookie asked. "W-what do you mean?" Cookie asked lowly. Anika stared at her for a few moments, then putting her forehead lightly onto hers. "I know we aren't suppose' tah' do dis' here. But because it' you...I'm willin' tah' risk it. 'N' I think we wait' long enough...'n' I wan' tah' solidify what we have. Especially after tonight." Anika said.

At this point, Cookie knew exactly what she was talking about. And she made it obvious that she knew. "But I start wit' yah' permission. 'Cause I don' wan' tah' scare yah', or rush yah'...I need tah' know dat' yah' want it now..." said Anika.

She lightly placed her thumb onto Cookies bottom lip. Anika felt her hand in the small of her back, pulling her slightly closer to her. Cookie tried her hardest to prevent herself from shaking, but it seemed like no matter what she tried, it didn't work.

Anika felt her trembling in her arms. She looked down at Cookie. She knew she wasn't cold from the night warmth, and she knew there wasn't a draft. She was in fear. Petrified of doing what Anika asked. Anika didn't expect this from her.

"Y-you're shakin'..." Anika whispered. Cookie sighed. "Are yah' realleh' dat' scared, Cookie? Why?" Anika asked. She wasn't expecting Cookie to be acting this way towards someone she's been with for months so far.

Anika brushed Cookies hair behind her ear. "Are yah' okay? Cookie, why are yah' shakin'?" Anika asked again. Cookie sighed, feeling embarrassed. "I just...I-I'm sorry I don't know why I'm doing this-" Anika shook her head. "No, I'm serious. Don' apologize. Tell meh' what scarin' yah', Cookie." Anika asked, a concerned look on her face.

Anika rubbed the small of Cookies back in assurance. "Well...you know I've just never...done anything with anyone else besides Lucious. Only him..." Cookie trailed off. Anika nodded slowly. She knew that was a valid reason. Lucious was Cookies first, and I'm sure she originally planned for him to also be her last.

"I unda-stan. I feel you...yah' only alway' try tah' save yahself for him." Said Anika. "And...I've never done it with another...another woman...I only have the terrible experiences from prison and I hated it. I absolutely hated it, Anika." Said Cookie. Anika rubbed her thumb on her cheek. "Yah' don' have tah' worry about dat', Cookie. 'Cause dis' will be nothin' like dat'. It won' be forceful, or aggressive or uncomfortable. I be nothin' but gentle, soft, 'n' sweet tah' yah'. I only do things wit' yah' approval.

"Gentle and sweet?" Cookie asked, a flash of innocent curiosity in her eyes. "I know yah' don' know what it like tah' be legitimately intimate wit' a woman...'cause dis' whole thing is new tah' you. But if yah' let meh' show yah', just show yah' how amazin' it can be, you'll wonder why yah' were even scared tah' begin wit'." Anika said.

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