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Next Day


"How have you been, Cookie?" Asked her therapist from the other side of the laptop screen. This time, they were video chatting. Cookie has such a busy schedule, she isn't able to visit her therapist on a daily basis in person, but virtual sessions never stopped anything.

"Good, I believe." Cookie said. "Good, so what have you been up to?" She asked. "Lately I've been feeling a...how do I put it...a rush of confidence. I suddenly feel so attached to Anika and as if I'm becoming less and less concerned with the obstacles I was facing.." said Cookie. "It sounds to me like you're growing, Cookie." Said her doctor. "I feel as if, no matter what good thing happens between us, I won't even try to escape. Is that...too fast?" Cookie asked.

"Well, if you are feeling confident and finally completing a step you've contemplated, then anytime is the right time." Said her therapist. Cookie smiled, reassuring herself. "I've just been in a really great mood lately. I don't know if it's the Christmas spirit or..." Cookie trailed off. "If I'm not mistaken, it sounds like you have a Christmas Crush, Cookie." Said the therapist, smiling warmly.

"Maybe...just a little." Said Cookie. "A little, Cookie?" Asked the therapist. "Okay...a lot." Said Cookie. "By the way...I want to thank you for how much you've helped me. You help me to understand my emotions and how they really might not be so bad...I know this is only the beginning compared to how many times we'll be meeting in the future, but I want to show my appreciation." Said Cookie.

"Empire is having a special Christmas event tomorrow at 8. I know it's short notice and you may be spending time with family, so I understand if you can't make it. There will be many of our artists performing there, and you'll be able to meet Anika in person..." Cookie offered.

The doctor nodded slowly. "Well, there's no harm in staying for an hour or two. I hope you don't mind if I bring my wife along with me?" She doctor said. Cookie nodded. "That's fine. It'll be...nice to meet her." Cookie said.

"So, do you have any particular plans with Anika today?" The doctor asked. "Well, later tonight she's coming over to my house to help me decorate my Christmas tree. And today we will likely set up more for the event." Said Cookie.

"Even though I'm feeling confident, I'm also feeling a little...possibly daring?" Cookie asked. The doctor gave a confused look, as if she was trying to become intrigued with what Cookie meant. "I've been doing a lot of thinking, about Anika being hospitalized and the end of the year approaching fast, I guess I just want to change my life around. But maybe I should think more before I do anything." Cookie said.

"The heart wants what the heart wants, Cookie. I think you are learning to stop ripping it away from what it wants. Eventually, you will feel defeated. You will let your guard down and embrace yourself. You will allow yourself to love the changes you made." Said the Doctor. "So how would you know? I mean like, how did you know that your wife was...the right person?" Cookie asked. "Well, I realized how much we have in common. She was very caring and always concerned. She was aware of my well-being and she valued how I was doing before making any sort of moves. I also had to value her determination, because she didn't not give up on trying to have a relationship with me." Chuckled the therapist.

"That's kind of how Anika is too. She makes me laugh and she's so sweet and caring. She checks up on me and she told me that she cares a lot for me. That she looked forward to me every day. She even understands how this is something new for me and I have to move at my own pace." Said Cookie.

"It sounds to me like this woman values you a lot, Cookie." The therapist said. "But still, I just don't think- Oh no, Cookie. We don't want to start to be doubtful again. How about this...I have a task for you." She said. "Okay, what's the task?" Asked Cookie.

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