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Six Months Later


Andre looked around, examining the room as he entered the visiting area. These men, rough and cut up. He wondered what sort of crimes they committed, but all he was sure of was that each one likely belonged in here. Especially the one he was seeing today.

He had a strong grimace on his face, his jawline serious and clean cut as he slid down onto the top of the metal seat, sitting a small briefcase on the floor. The man on the opposite side sat down slowly as well, then putting his hands on his knees.

"Didn't think you'd come by to see me, son." Said Lucious, with a look on his face that seemed almost relieved. Andre stared without saying anything. "You look good." Lucious said. "I wouldn't be here if I didn't have to be." Andre replied. "How is Empire doing? I'd assume y'all are getting ready to jump ship right about now since you don't have someone there who knows how to run a real company." Lucious said in a matter of fact tone.

Andre reached down to grab the briefcase. He sat it on the table. "The only reason it's sinking is because you are running it. It was sinking before you ended up in here and it's sinking after..." He said. He opened the case, then taking out a small stack of documents. He also took out a pen. "Which is why I'm here to make sure that we all stop suffering." He said, then closing the case and putting it back on the concrete floor.

"What?" Lucious asked before looking down at the papers. "It's a contract agreement. For you to sign over your own ship of Empire- What?- This is the only way to save it- What the hell do you mean it's the only way to save it? I built that company from the ground up and you mean to tell me that you expect me to just give it to someone who thinks they can run it better than I can?" Lucious asked. "You must be out of your damn mind."

Andre closed his eyes in frustration. "But you didn't do a good job of maintaining it, did you? You chased away the ones who made it look best." Andre said coldly. Lucious let out a scoff. "Are you trying to make me sell my company over...to them? To her?" Lucious asked. Andre sat up straight. "I could. But I won't for two reasons. You're too bitter to give it to her, and she doesn't need the stress-" Lucious banged on the table with his fist, cutting Andre off.

"Inmate!" An officer shouted, approaching from a watch corner. Andre put his hand up to signal that it wasn't an emergency. "Bitter?" He asked. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to calling me bitter?After that woman deceived me that way- Would you like for me to remind you of all of the convictions you have against you that resulted in you not being able to walk out of those metal gates until you're too senile to remember yourself, or do you want to talk about why I'm here? Because where you are is speaking for itself." Andre said bluntly.

Lucious stayed quiet but his eyes did not stop burning him. "I'm not asking you to sign Empire off to her. But to me." Andre said. "And what makes you think you have what it takes?" Lucious asked. "I'm already CFO. We have worked on every single project together. I know everything you do and how you do it. Also, I'm not a felon." Said Andre.

"Well I'm not the only one." Said Lucious. "Because someone cared about you enough to take the blame for you. She always said that karma worked in mysterious ways." Said Andre. "Stop talking about her." Lucious said. "I will. So let's get down to business." He said. "I'm not signing it. Not without talking to the damn board about this!" Lucious said.

Andre let out a single chuckle. "Well, as for the board, they made the decision to pull the plug on you before I did- What?- They don't want you running Empire anymore. They suggested I do it." Said Andre. "How the hell are they going to decide this without contacting me about it!? We agreed that I must be contacted when a decision like this is made! I can sue you and their asses for breach of contract!" Lucious snapped.

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