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Next Morning


The two women laid wrapped in the sheets together, Cookies hands on Anika's stomach while her chin was on her shoulder.

Last night didn't go as planned for the both of them. Cookie surprised herself by allowing her confidence to take over and show Anika that she was ready to contribute to a 50/50 relationship. Meanwhile, Anika was surprised because she had never thought she'd see Cookie like that or find out about how much skill she had when it came to pleasuring women. Needless to say...

She had the time of her life.


"Let me turn you over." Cookie whispered against Anika's neck, making the woman turn a slight red. "Turn me over?" She asked. Cookie nodded, leaning down to kiss her lips. "You mean- Yeah." Cookie replied.

"You're doing everything before I get the chance to..." Anika said playfully, then starting to turn onto her stomach. Cookie chuckled. "You deserve all of this, so let me give it to you." Cookie said. She asked Anika to raise up, and she laid in her place on her own back. She curled her finger at Anika, telling her to come over to her. Anika climbed onto her lap, then leaning down to kiss her slowly.

Both women were out of their panties now, their clits brushing against one another's. Cookies hands trailed up and down Anika's thighs. "Your hands feel so good- Do they?- Mm." Anika replied, licking her lips for a moment. Anika's main love language was physical touch, whereas Cookies was mainly positive affirmations. She often needed encouragement and reassurance, and the way Anika did it was always more than enough to get Cookie going.

Caressing Anika was a major seductive tool for her. She liked her skin to be kissed, she liked her body to be rubbed. She loved foreplay. Cookie liked foreplay as well, but often couldn't last with arousal as long as Anika could. Once Cookie couldn't take anymore she'd find ways to ask for it. Her only issue was she was always too shy to ask Anika for more.

Cookie could last a lot longer during sex than Anika, but she needed the position to be switched quite often so she could have variety. Whereas Anika seemed to not last for as long but had an intense arousal. She could stay in one position as long as she was getting pleasured. Cookie had noticed that when Anika never offered to switch a position.

Cookie ran her short fingernails up and down Anika's back while she sucked on her nipples gently. Anika bit her lip, releasing a groan. "Yeah, baby..." she moaned faintly. Cookie had realized a few years into her prison pimping that even though she hated the things she did with each and every woman in there, she sure did have a thing for sucking nipples.

There was something about how they felt gliding along her tongue, able to get so hard that they became sensitive to the touch. She believes that she had a liking to women's breasts in general. The feeling of them, the various sizes. She remembered in school when the girls used to change their clothes after gym, they'd put on fresh bras. And Cookie always wondered why she had such a hard time trying not to look at them. Cookie was so called "sick" a lot sooner than she thought she was.

She didn't know if it was a liking or curiosity, but in Cookies case, it was both.

"How long can you keep your self on all fours?" Cookie asked. Anika smiled lightly. "Maybe ten minutes..." she guessed. "You sure?" Cookie asked. "Yes, I'm sure!" Anika said, laughing at the expression Cookie made at her, squinting her eyes and pursing her lips.

"Okay. Get up top. Just hold the headboard if you get tired." Cookie said. Anika stared in confusion. "Cookie...you're not asking me to..." She trailed off. "Maybe we're going too fast..." she said. "Too fast? How?" She asked. "Because...I know you said you missed me and you've spent so much time without me but...our first time, I remember you being so shy. So shy I had to take moments to stop and check on you. Which was fine, but...you're just different this time..." Anika said.

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