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Cookie couldn't sleep last night. She tossed and turned until the sun rose. Every time she shut her eyes, she relived the same scenario that was currently haunting her.

Leaning in.

The anticipation.

The teasing.

The kiss.

The taste.

Cookie hated herself. Sure enough she did. She stood like a statue in her shower, the hot water soothing her body but her mind stuck and racing.

She got dressed in a tone of Melancholy. She sat at her dining table, her hands on her head. Her staring down at her meal. Unable to even eat it. It reminded her of the dinner at the diner. Cookie slammed her hand down on the table.

Her phone rang suddenly, and she jumped. She's been so on edge lately, every phone call or text message made her heart start to beat a mile and minute. She cautiously looked at the screen. She released an exhale once she saw it was Carol calling her. She answered it quickly.


Carol "Hey, me and Candace are going to a women's spa today, you should come along sis if you're not busy."

Cookie sighed, a smile growing across her face. "That's exactly what I need. A break. I'll be there soon." She said, then hanging up.

Carol looked at the phone in confusion after hearing the call end so quickly. "What? Did she say no?" Asked Candace. "No, she's comin' but she sounded so exasperated." Said Carol. The two women sat in Candaces living room on her couch, sipping whine. "Well, maybe she's going through something. We can talk about it as soon as we see her." Said Candace.


Cookie stared out of the backseat window as Candace drove down the street. Cookie was quieter than usual. Candace looked into the rear view mirror at her. "Cookie, you okay?" Asked Candace. "Why does even keep asking me that?" Cookie thought to herself.

"I'm fine." She replied. Candace looked over at Carol, who shrugged. She then shook her head, telling Candace not to push it any further. "I think we could all use this spa treatment. We're getting our womanly special steaming." Said Candace, grinning. "Womanly special?" Asked Cookie.


Cookie had a frown on her face as she sat above the steam box, the three women sitting side by side, while steam hit their womanly areas. A purple robe covering their bodies. "You know, this isn't what I thought of when you said 'womanly special'." Said Cookie. They each held a glass of champagne.

"Well, a daily womanhood cleansing is never wrong, right?" Asked Candace. "Mhm, now you can get yourself ready for whatever man wants to get into that Cookie." Said Carol. Cookie glared at her. "You still a slut." Said Cookie, and the women laughed.

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