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Next Morning


Two pairs of feet could be seen intertwined with one another underneath the bed sheets. Clothing could be seen laying astray around the perimeter of the bed. Lucious was shirtless, only wearing a pair of mere boxers. He was snuggled up against Cookie from behind, his arms wrapped around her snuggly.

Cookie scooted back, getting closer to him and allowing him to bury his face into her neck. She had the sheets wrapped around her body. She felt light kisses on her neck, followed by a husky groan. She drowsily chuckled, raising up her hand to cup his face. "So you managed to wake up after I put you to sleep..." He whispered. She chuckled, feeling his kisses trail to her cheek and her ear. "Shut up, Lucious..." She said.

About five second later, her eyes shot open. She got up out of the bed with a gasp, pushing him away from her and standing up from the bed. She looked down, realizing that she was in her underwear set, and she quickly grabbed the sheets from the bed, taking them off of Lucious and wrapping herself in them. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked in a confused tone, leaning up on his arms.

"What the hell am I doing here, Lucious?!" Cookie shouted. She looked down at the floor, seeing their clothes laying in various parts of the room. "What do you mean what are you doing here, Cookie? Doesn't it speak for itself?" Lucious asked.

Her mouth hung open. "Lucious...I swear..." She said, pointing at him in simmering anger. "You swear what? Do you think we just ended up in here coincidentally?" He asked. "There's no goddamn way I got in bed with your ass!" She shouted. He got up from the bed, then walking over to her. He stared down at her seriously, her eyes also piercing up at him.

She suddenly covered her mouth, gasping. "Oh my god..." She mumbled. Her voice now sounding shaky and her voice thick. She turned away from him, running out of the room. "Where are you goin'?" Lucious asked, walking after her. She went into the hallway bathroom, then slamming it behind her just before he could come in.

"Cookie...! What the hell is your problem?" He asked. Cookie leaned against the door, looking up at the ceiling. She kept her mouth covered, immediately beginning to cry. She slid down to the floor, then pulling her knees to her chest. "What the hell are you doing locking doors in my damn house?!- Lucious shut up!" Cookie shouted through thick tears.

She ran her fingers through her hair, beginning to just sob as hard as she could. "Are you crying?" He asked. Lucious scoffed. "I should be the one goddamn crying up in here..." He mumbled.


Cookie didn't leave the bathroom until Lucious left for work. That was the only time she felt less disgusted with him and herself.

She walked into the bedroom again, standing at the doorway and looking around at the clothing on the floor. She walked over to the bed, sitting down on it, and leaning down to pick up her bra from the floor. After holding it in front of herself for a few moments, she only started to sob even more.

She covered her eyes with her hand. "How could I do this? Do this to her?! I never thought I would- I just-" Cookie could hardly speak from how thick with tears her speech was. "I just ruined everything." She cried. She dropped onto her knees, putting her face into her hands and sobbing.


Anika called Cookies phone again for the fourth time. She was worried, unsure of why she didn't come back home last night. She took a chance even asking Jamal, but he said he wasn't sure about where she had gone but he was sure that she would come back around.

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