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Next Day


Anika's eyes slowly inched open, seeming to be opening as if they were in pain. In reality, this was likely because of sunlight shining directly into them from the hotel window.

She sat up slowly, and once she did she immediately fell on the floor onto her backside. She had fallen asleep in a chair, with her head hanging down towards the ground but her legs hanging over the edge. Her body had tilted to the side before she eventually plummeted onto the rugged flooring.

She leaned up, groaning. "Oh my god, what did I do?" She asked. She looked around, noticing how the suite was a mess. There were empty wine glasses lined along the coffee table, some knocked over and some upright. There were about two bottles of wine in random parts of the room, and champagne bottles underneath the table.

She crawled to standing, then scratching her head gently. The sunlight was burning her eyes. "What the hell happened...?" She mumbled. She couldn't spend too much time analyzing the scene like she wanted too, because that's when her stomach started to twist and grumble suddenly, giving her a fair warning that she needed to get to a bathroom—and fast.

She scurried across the floor to the bathroom, swinging the door open and lifting up the toilet seat. She hunched over, vomiting.


About fifteen minutes later, she finally came out of the bathroom. She held her stomach, walking in a way that showed that she was uncomfortable. She headed to the kitchen, looking for some water. She gulped a bottle down in almost an instant. She walked around, heading to the bedroom. She saw her friends both asleep next to each other.

Adina had both of her feet hanging out of the bed, sleeping horizontally across the bottom. Evline was sleeping vertically, but her feet were on top of Adina's and she appeared to be cuddling an unopened bottle of tequila. Their shoes were scattered in random parts of the room.

Anika sighed, closing her eyes.


The three women stood in the kitchen, each holding a bottle of water, one of them taking a tum, another one using an alka-seltzer, and another taking a gulp of pepto-bismal. "Ugh, wah' were we thinkin'?" Asked Evline. "Mah' stomach feel like it on da outside of my body, ah wah'?" Said Adnia.

"Cookie gonna be so mad wit' meh'. I barris' to see her." Said Anika. "Well yah' gettin' married tomorrow, not today." Said Evline. "Yeah, buh' I gotta make sure I feel good by then. If not, I ruin' errything." Said Anika, taking a sip of water.

"Ya' rememba' last night?" Asked Evline. Both women shook their heads. "I onleh' rememba' da' liquor." Said Anika, and her friends laughed even though she was serious.

"Ya' be fine by morrow'. Don' stress." Said Adina. "Y'all, it comin' out both ends..." Said Anika. Her friends gasped. "Teedee!- It not mah' fault. Yah' both pour tequila and vodka in mah' mouth togetha'! I surprised I still livin'!" Shouted Anika. "It da' Caribbean way. Don' act shame-face now...!" Chuckled Evline.

"I thin' I need rest all day, buh' I needa' prepare for da' weddin'! Ugh, I so drained an' feel like trash!" Said Anika. "Rest for a few hours. Wake up afta' noon." Said Adina. Anika nodded slightly. She wished she listened to Cookie, but she just got so excited about the wedding and completely blew it. Now she was dealing with a hangover that she was sure was the worst case she ever experienced.

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