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Present Day


"You plan to do what?" Candace asked Lori, stopping her movement of sticking her fork into her salad bowl. "IVF. She wants a baby, and it would be unfair of me to take that possibility away from her even though I'm done having kids because of the trauma." Said Lori.

"But...what about if something happens?" Asked Carol. "That's what I tried to explain to her." Said Lori. "It could mess her up the same way as it messed me up. But, I know she's always wanted one and I'd rather she get to do it with me rather than her ex." Lori added, crossing her arms.

"So, you've decided on it then. When are you going to the hospital?" Asked Candace. "Today." Replied Lori. "Well if it's something you both have agreed that you want, then go for it. But I know it's hard when you've done your parenting already." Said Carol. "Exactly. I raised three boys. Even though I was away for most of their lives." Lori sighed.

"Think of it like this. If you and Anika have a child, you'll be able to be there for it. To see all of the moments you missed. Keep in mind there's stages of childhood even you don't know..." Said Carol. Lori thought for a moment. When she went away, she was sure that Andre was in middle school. Nearing the end. Lori didn't realize what it was like raising a true teenager. She always heard that when kids become teens, parents have to deal with the attitude, the lack of communication, the door slamming, needing personal space. But as much as Lori playfully groaned about when those stages came, she was excited and hated that she didn't get to be around for it.

She didn't get to have a talk with the boys when there was a girl they liked, or tell them how to act on their first date. She didn't get to see any of their high school graduations or Andre's college graduation. All of the things she wished she could see. She planned to make as many videos of those moments as possible. Lucious didn't record anything, because he ended up divorcing her anyway. He was never as emotionally in touch with them as she was.

Now, the idea of parenting suddenly sounded like a new thing to her.


"So, you are here to hear about some pregnancy alternatives, correct?" Asked the physician. Anika nodded cheerfully, and Lori nodded after her with delay. "That's great. Well, the most common method used for couples who cannot or do not want to traditionally conceive it called IVF. To make it straightforward, IVF would require an egg to be removed from the woman carrying the baby. That egg would be joined with the sperm from a male doner of your choice. Once they are joined together, they are injected back into the mother. The egg also does not have to come directly from the woman carrying it, it can come from the female partner as well." Explained the physician.

"Now, IVF does have some trial and error. It can take a few tries to make sure that fertilization happens successfully." Said the doctor. Lori took a deep breath. "So there are complications with this." She said as if she had assumed. "Well, there are risks of complication with every pregnancy. IVF is something that is done with the help of lots of lab work. That is why it can take a few tries. We are manually joining things together." Said the doctor. "How much is this going to cost?" Lori asked. Anika rolled her eyes.


Anika stared down at the few documents the doctor gave her. A list of proper diet, do's and don't's, and exercise routines to conduct. Anika seemed excited, reading over the instructions constantly. For the next three months, she was to follow these instructions to properly prepare her body for IVF. "No wine either." She mumbled to her, unaware that Lori had trailed into the kitchen. "Have you seen my flat irons?" She asked. Anika tilted up her head. "No...did you check our room? You probably left them on your vanity." Said Anika. "Oh. Right..." Said Lori.

"So, how did you feel about the doctor's visit?" Anika asked. "It was fine. It's going to be expensive, but it's fine- I'm not talking about the cost Lori and you know that." Said Anika. Lori sighed. "Look, I don't want to feel like I'm alone in this. And I'm not going to do it unless I'm sure you're going to be by my side during it." Said Anika.

"Calm down, Anika. I'm sorry, okay? I don't want it to seem as if I'm not interested or excited about it. And I'd never leave you alone during this. But you also have to realize that as we go through with this I'm in the process of trying to heal. I'm trying to prepare myself and realize that this is about to happen. You know what I went though, and so I'm fighting a little trying to push those feelings down to help us both be strong for this." Explained Lori.

Anika stayed quiet, biting the inside of her cheek. "I just want this to be...a happy experience. I don't want this to be triggering you or making you unhappy." She said. Lori put her hand on the back of hers.

"It's going to be fine." Said Lori. "Also...I was thinking about what you said about you being worried about the baby not...looking like you." Said Anika. "But what if we could make that happen?" She added. "How?" Asked Lori.

"The doctor said that the eggs can come from the other parent as well. So what if we take some of your eggs and use those?" Anika asked. Lori stared at her for a moment. "Don't you want the baby your birth to look like you?" She asked, shaking her head. "I'm birthing it. It won't need to look like me to be connected to me. I birth it and it'll have your features. I'm more than happy with that." Said Anika.

"But, Anika my tubes are tied. And I'm starting menopause. I highly doubt I have any eggs to give you." Lori said in a humorous tone. "Would you be willing to try?- Anika- Just check with the doctor, please. You never know." Said Anika. "And if I do have eggs, good eggs, you'd be willing to let the child look like me?" Lori asked as if she could not believe it.

Anika tilted her head. "Of course. You're my wife, and you'll be its mother. I think I'd be crazy to not have it look like you." She said, reaching out to put Lori's hair behind her ear. The women smiled at one another.


To Be Continued


Another chapter down! I'm really trying to wrap up this story but also not rush it! Don't really have anymore questions to ask right now, because everyone already knows what will happen. So just enjoy these, lol! Until Next time!

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