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1 week later

3rd Person POV

Cookie arose from her bed in an of course drowsy state. She wasn't prepared to go back to Empire dealing with Anika once again. Two grown women, bickering over a soundboard every day? It was time for cookie to start being more professional. She had grown tired of being a hood rat according to everyone else.

She wasn't going to allow Anika to make a fool out of her. She's now out of prison, and in a billion dollar company. She was now able to live the life she always wanted. Clean and pristine. She has the opportunity now to do that. She didn't know how, but she'll get there.

Over all of last week, Cookie has been thinking about herself. Her appearance, her attitude, and her approach. Everyone treated Cookie like she was a handful, while Anika and everyone else was treated with pure respect. Speaking professionally and handling their business without causing a scene.

It wasn't just Anika that made cookie want to rethink the way she lived her life. She just started to feel gloomy and got tired of having altercations with everyone. She wants to enjoy her life. She got dressed and headed out of Empire. [play song]


She got out of her car, and she walked up to the large building, she walked up the stairs and pulled open the door.

Once she stepped through the door, workers immediately turned to look at her. Their eyes traveled all over her. Cookie smiled to herself. Anika and Andre stood in the middle of the lobby, having a conversation. She walked past them.

"Morning." She Said, looking at her son and at Anika for a second. She then continued walking. Andre paused. There was something different about her but he couldn't tell what.

Anika turned to talk back to Andre, but then turned back around once it clicked to her that was Cookie who walked by.

"What the...hell.." Said Anika.

Cookie waved at people she walked by. "Cute shoes." She said to a female employee. They smiled in surprise. Porsha was walking towards her, and she gasped. "Oh my god. Is this the same Cookie Lyon? Where is she and what did you do with her?" Asked Porsha. "Old Cookie is out to pasture. New Cookie is taking over. You ever feel like you need to be a better version of yourself?" Cookie Asked. Porsha noticed that she wasn't being hostile like she usually is. "Girl trust me I understand. And are those Prada?" Porsha Asked Cookie, talking about her shoes. "Why of course.- Girl this entire outfit is dope..!" Said Porsha. Cookie spun around in it, showing off her shoes then flipping her hair. Cookie laughed. "I've just been wanting to feel better lately. I know I can be better than I was." She Said. Porsha agreed. They started to walk down the hall.

Andre was staring at him mom as she laughed and smiled so much talking to Porsha. It was distracting since this is never seen. "What?-" Anika turned around and saw Cookie laughing and looked confused again. "What is wrong with her?" Asked Anika. "Where's the yelling? And the bad attitude?" Asked Anika. "I don't know. But I like it." He Said. "But she wasn't like this last week. What could have made her act this way in a week?" Anika Asked. She immediately thought about Lucious. She grimaced.

She stormed off, and Andre looked confused.

Anika stormed into Lucious office interrupting him and Thirsty talking. "What did you do with Cookie!" She Shouted. "What do you mean?" He asked her. "She's walking around here, saying Goodmorning to everyone, smiling, laughing, and she's got on some...outfit that's just making everyone look at her!" She Shouted. "Outfit? She always wears crazy stuff-" They were interrupted by Cookie walking inside of the room. Lucious froze, looking from her feet all the way up to her hair. She came in on her phone, then flipping her hair. "Morning." She Said, looking at thirsty then at Lucious.

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