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Once Month Later


"That was the best food I've ever had!" Anika exclaimed, holding Cookies hand while leading her into the front door of the penthouse.

Cookie laughed, closing the door behind them. "Yeah, I can tell. You ordered twice.." she replied. They took off their coats, hanging them by the door. "So, what do you want to do tonight? The nights not over yet, you know." Cookie said.

Anika turned away, going over to the table underneath the television. She turned on a speaker, a slow jam starting to play, controlled by her phone.

"Really, Anika?" Cookie asked, grinning as Anika approached her, taking both of her hands into hers. "Dance with me." Anika whispered, pulling Cookie towards her. "Alright, alright.." Cookie said. Anika slowly spun her, and Cookie did the same to her, staring at her with a smile on her face.

She pulled Anika to her, putting her arms over her shoulders, then laying her head onto her shoulder. They swayed slowly together, Anika's hand on her waist, the other on her upper back.

Cookie pulled away, staring up at Anika. She grinned, staring down at her lips. She kissed her lightly, her lips making Cookie swoon just like she always has. So warm and caring, sweet like honey, soft like a pillow.

Anika pulled away shortly, then leaning down to pick Cookie up from beneath her thighs. Cookie giggled, tossing her head back. "What are you trying to do now?" She asked.

Anika playfully tossed her onto the bed, her laying on her back with a light patter. Anika laughed, then laying down next to her. Cookie turned over onto her, staring down at her with smiling eyes. "You're so crazy, you know that?" Cookie asked. "But you love it, don't you?" Anika asked. Cookie reached up to cup her face, staring down into those black and captivating orbs.

"I do..." Cookie replied. She slowly leaned down to kiss Anika's lips, Anika leaning her head back slightly to deepen it. Their lipstick and gloss mixing, making the sound of their kissing heard. Passionate and loving.

Suddenly, there was a hefty knock at the door. Cookie and Anika broke the kiss, both turning their heads towards the door in surprise. "Did you hear that? I think someone's at the door." Anika said. "But...this late? I don't know anyone who'd come over here at this time." Cookie said.

"I'll get it.." Anika said, sitting up slowly. Cookie stared suspiciously at the area the sound came from. "Okay...I'll come with you." Cookie said, sliding out of the bed behind her.

The women traveled to the front door, and Anika looked through the peephole. "I don't see anyone." She said. "What do you mean you don't?" Cookie asked. Anika shrugged, then asking who it was. However, there was no response.

"I'll just open it- but you don't know who's out there...- What could it be? A killer? You know I'll always be here, Cookie. A killer won't stop me."  Anika joked. Cookie smiled lightly.

Once Anika opened the door, there surely was a person standing there. Lucious Lyon, the man they both despised, was standing in a black trench coat with his hands in his pockets. Cookies face turned to shock when she saw him.

"Lucious...?" Anika asked, looking shocked as well. As if the two women were nervous to suddenly be around each other while he stared at the both of them. He stared blankly, with bubbling frustration underneath. "Lucious what are you doing here?!" Cookie asked.

"I knew it." He said. Cookie noticed the end of the black gloves in his pocket. Cookie gasped, and Anika noticed it as well. "No, wait!-" Lucious reached into his pocket, pulling out a silver pistol and shooting a bullet directly into the middle of Anika's chest.

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