"Heros..." (Ana X Kol angst)

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"Ana X Kol angst pls!"
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Thank you for the suggestion! If you have any ideas for a story please let me know in the comments, enjoy this chapter!

(Just a disclaimer I'm not fully caught up with these characters and certain events may be off character. I am referring to Ana as she/her and Kol as He/Him. If this is incorrect please let me know so I can update this. Thank you!)

~Third person POV~

Ana hadn't seen kol for quite a bit, She was beginning to become quite concerned. She managed to convince Kol to send her his location.

Ana climbed the stairs and opened the door to the roof, the sun was setting and sitting on the ledge of the roof was the silhouette of Kol "K-Kol?" Ana stuttered, calling out as Kol twisted his head to study who had found his secret location "Ana.." Kol replied, staring out at the open time "Are you ok?.. what are you doing up here?" Ana stuttered, questioning Kol. She walked over and crouched next to him "I just... needed some time alone." Kol looked the other way "Y-You don't have to spend time alone by yourself!" Ana said "W-Well...I mean you can always talk to me!" Ana awkwardly laughed "nice save Ana!" Ana thought to herself.
Kol sighed "It's just... I don't like it here."
"Why?..." Ana asked
"Nobody understands me! It's always just this hero and villain thing! Their just words!" Kol snapped "It's all just!... hero's, villains, no you're doing this wrong!" Kol clenched his fists "K-Kol.." Ana stuttered, unknowing of how to comfort Kol "And now I can't even leave this place! All I want to do is learn how to use my quirk, I can't help that I see the world differently!" Kol continued.

"K-Kol... I-I'm sorry.." Ana stuttered "Why?.." Kol responded "Eh?." Ana looked at kol "Why are you sorry?" Kol asked Ana
"W-Well..I...I...D-Did I say the wrong thing?" Ana began
"No, no. You're perfectly fine. Just why are you apologetic? You haven't done anything.." Kol clearly stated
"I-I'm sorry you felt that way" Ana hugged Kol, he turned a bit read in the cheeks "Ah, personal boundaries-" Ana began to slip away from the hug when she was stopped by Kol abruptly snaking his arms around her.
"Sorry that I disappeared." Kol mumbled
"I-It's not a big deal" Ana laughed
"Again, it's not your fault hero's are such a pain in the a$$." Kol reminded Ana
"Language!!" Ana corrected kol
"Right, sorry." Kol snickered
"A-Are you laughing at me?!" Ana stuttered
"No" Kol relied "righty!" Ana smiled

Kol and Ana stud up and began walking away, they retreated down the stairs "Hey... wanna get lunch or something?" kol offered, Ana's eyes... well... eye. Ana's eye light up "Mhm!" Ana nodded her head, Kol took Ana's hand and lead her down the room towards a small cafe. Little did they know it was the cafe club, a place Kol wasn't entirely welcome.

~Kol's POV~

We entered a small cafe close to the school, I recognised it from a few posters around school but I never played it close mind "Ah!" Artemis turned around to look at us. Oh god.. this is the last thing I need today, I knew Artemis had a bad opinion on me after the hero VS villain fights. I did what I believed was right, he'd have to deal with that. "Welcome to the cafe kol.. and?" Artemis plastered a fake smile onto his face "this is Ana." I replied to his confusion "Alright, choose a table and I'll come talk your orders when you're ready" Artemis told us. In the back I could see Shizu, RikKu and Davis "Great.." I mumbled "Is everything ok Kol?.." Ana asked me, sitting down at the table "they're in my class. I should know as I broke Shizu's bones." I groaned "O-Oh..I did my fight with RikKu...She seems nice! At least with me and Sapphire" Ana informed me

Artemis came over and took our orders, I don't think he knew how ridiculous he looked in the dress. Still me and Ana processed to eat our food "Is it just me or do they look stressed?.." Ana mentioned "They're understaffed," I told her "O-Oh. I hope they get it fixed" She filled her mouth with some ice cream.

"Thank you for visiting!" Artemis waved us out after we payed. "Tsk.." I complained silently "Want me to walk you back?" I asked Ana, she nodded and we walked in the direction of monarch academy, a school for "hero's"..

I hope you enjoyed this book! Any recommendations please let me know, have a great day/night!
Word count: 803

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