Shino x Umbra/Artemis

664 19 17

I think you could describe this one as hurt/Comfort?
(This is based off the canon plotline/none AU)

-Shino's POV-

I yawned, closing my dorm door. It was rather late and i had just come back from a L.O.V.E meeting, i adjusted to the dorm light while walking through the room with my hands in my pockets

I was about to walk downstairs towards my room when i noticed just through the lower balcony (not the one in Artemis's room, the one by the TV and couches) someone sitting facing away and looking out at the sky. I recognised the white hair, just split through the end of the window border and covering the black streak of his hair. "Artemis?" I mumbled out loud.

I clicked open the door and walked outside, rather startled actually. Artemis sat against the wall just behind the table and chairs, however the white in his eyes was absorbed by a deep charcoal and the dark streak in his hair was fully absorbed. Why was his quirk activated? "Hi Artemis" i smiled, sitting next to him "..or umbra, whatever this is" i ruffled his white hair and released a low giggled from him. "Hi shino" he said in a deep voice, it wasn't a cold tone, just almost unemotional.

"What are you doing using your quirk?" I asked him, trying to hold a conversation. Umbra wasn't cold, he was just more reserved. Less nervous however seemed more lost in thought. It was like if you replaced Artemis's anxiety with more of a stern and angry trauma response, yet Umbra was incredibly less nervous.

"Hm, just bored, felt like being calmer" he looked away from me after commenting on how he felt calmer "Being calmer?" I asked him, being almost worry set in, I knew Artemis was an anxious person but i didn't want him using his quirk as an... escape? In a way "What were you doing out so late? More vigilante shit?" Umbra deflected my question to him
"Yeah, i got a lil hurt but overall it was easier then normal i guess" i sighed, resting my head against the wall. "Hurt? Shit where??" Umbra sat up, hovering his hand just over my chest with a rather concerned expression, i grabbed his hand and guided it just to my collar bone and gently pressed his hand on a bruise i had.

He pulled my shirt to the side and took a look at the purple bruise. He snickered "that's not even that bad" he mocked me "Oh shut the fuck up, it kills" i laughed at him, jokingly pushing his head back
"Awwwww Shinooo do you need me to kiss it better?" Umbra continued to laugh at me, kissing my cheek then gently kissing the bruise on my shoulder. I felt my cheeks become warm and i kept giggling

Umbra traced my neck planting light kisses from my collarbone to my jawline, i moved my head out the way allowing him a better angle to continue. Each kiss going down getting slightly rougher until a small groan escaped from my clasped lips.

"Right, i'm exhausted, cmon lets go to bed." I quickly gripping umbra's hand from my shirt and pulling him up. We walked towards his room, we were silent while walking which confused me, Umbra seemed to develop a light bit of paranoia as we opened his door.

His room was a mess, plates and cups discarded by his work stuff, pictures of different outfits all torn up and thrown across the room and school work and revision was discarded across the floor. I didn't comment as i didn't want to make him uncomfortable but it was then when i realised something was definitely wrong.

I sat next to him, pulling a blanket over his knees as he drooped his head on my shoulder. Yet umbra never unactivated his Quirk, stayed with his white hair and deeper expression. "Are you sure you're ok?" I faced him and his eyes flickered up at me. He mumbled an answer, as i lifted his chin and pressed a kiss onto his lips. He continued it, pulling my shoulders towards him and deepening the kiss, almost crawling on-top of me.

His hand traced up my stomach and across my chest, i relaxed into the kiss and opened my mouth into it. I traced the opposite way holding his waist and continuing to quickly separate from him and reconnect roughly and passionately. He pulled away and moved his face down longer and re-started attacking on my neck, his hand still tracing my chest and his other arm supporting him over me, i tilted away again and clenched onto his hips as my breath quickened. I traced around his hips and caught the front of his lower stomach and hooked my finger around his belt.

(‼️It stops here btw i'm not writing that sorta stuff‼️)

The sun glared through the window slightly, i covered my eyes with my arms while i adjusted the the faint light from the sunrise. I propped myself up while yawning, the sun was only rising so i had woken up early. I rubbed the back of my neck onto to then trace across a small hickey just by my jawline.
"Artemis?" I looked across his bed, he sat with his knees curled to his chest, facing away from me with a blanket draped across his shoulders. His black and white hair was now visible again being sometime while i was asleep he had deactivated it. "Hey, are you ok? Something seemed off last night" i asked him, turning my body to sit next to him at the edge of the bed. His eye-bags were incredibly dark and visible signifying he didn't sleep that night "i'm sorry about last night" he sighed, hints of sadness lingering in his voice.

"Hey it's ok! Nothing bad happened, it was different sure, but not bad!" I cupped his face and directed him towards me to look me in the eyes, he just seemed so out of character. He seemed tired, almost miserable get instead of shaky he was just dry, almost numb. "What's gone on?" I grew more concerned now, something was definitely off and it was apparent in the air. "It was weird to see Umbra again, you didn't seem like you used it so often.." i tried to bring a positive perspective of last night into conversation "I hate it." He blurted out, still hugging his knees and resting his face against his hand. "What do you mean?" I continued asking him questions, i was so confused and worried.

"I don't know.. whenever i have my quirk activated its just.. different. Like a bad different i mean!! The voice and the hair, it puts people off. And as Umbra i feel more confident definitely, but it just feels fake. I can't explain it its just like all my issues feel more like heightened and more distressing but instead of panicking i just feel sort of numb to it. Almost like a drowning sensation.." Artemis began to spew, his eyes swelling and he gripped onto his knees tighter, i rested my hand on his shoulder and just listened to him "then why was you're quirk activated last night?" I asked him

"Again i can't explain it i don't know!! I'm just stressed, nothing was going right i couldn't focus on anything and everything that used to be enjoyable just wasn't. I was just tired, tired of feeling anxious and irritable i just needed an escape.. i guess at that point i just wanted to feel numb. Just kinda numb to it while being able to reflect on it?.." he pushed his knees away from his stomach and dangled them off the bed while he folded his face into his arms and hid himself. "I just wanted to feel confident, capable. Instead of just..." he hicced, i pulled him into my arms and he leant against my chest.

"Arti you should've told me you felt this way.." i comforted him, bringing his hands away from his mouth as he tried to suffocate his sobs, he hugged me tighter while i rested my arms across his shoulders and rested my hands in his hair "i know, i'm sorry i just didn't wanna worry you" he spluttered, his face pressed up against my faded yellow shirt.
"C'mon, lets go to school and afterwards we can just hang out, nothing overwhelming or expensive. We can just walk around town until you feel tired" i suggested
"But what about curfew?" He looked up at me, his light sobs seemed to ease. "Fuck curfew, we just won't get caught" i assured him and he laughed, kissing my cheek "i love you Shino" he sighed

"I love you too Arti" i smiled

"How's your bruise?.." he changed the subject lightly, looking at me almost apologetically since he laughed at me last night. "Its fine, i've got a few more now tho." I snickered at him "aaaaaa i'm sorry!!! I don't know what came over me!!!" He covered his now bright pink face "Arti like i said it's ok, don't worry" i sighed while snickering to myself "i'll get you back tho" i teased him, tickling his ribs
"AAAA!!" He tried to pull away from me while laughing but ultimately failed. "Ugh, you're so cute" i stopped tickling him to let him breathe.

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