Egyptian Ancestry

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(I'M NOT GETTING BORED OF MHO... only a little. STILL WRITING MHO OFC, i'm just rlly into OoO again.. so you may have to tolerate a bit of spam content about Brypu and Kaiba x Ashara for a little bit teehee)


Inpu jumped in his seat, his ears perked up and twitched slightly as he turned his head. It wasn't a voice he particularly heard often however it wasn't unfamiliar. He had been in his office - well not really his, it was Bryans house however he used the office more then x10 the amount Bryan did - just reading away appreciating his time to himself

Unfortunately as a camp councillor time to himself was rationed. "Ashara?" Inpu asked standing up out of his seat as he opened the door to see Ashara standing looking for him "are you ok I?-... how did you get in?.." Inpu mumbled, studying Ashara as he backed away from the office door to let Ashara into the office.

Inpu was slightly apprehensive as he noticed Ashara seemed quite tense.. which was an unusual occurrence with someone as serene and collected for Ashara. "Well, the door was open was it not?" Ashara replied, looking around the office slightly to adjust to his settings.

"Well uh.. did you need something?" Inpu asked, leaning against his desk slightly as his attention turned back on Ashara. "Well yes, i just wanted to ask for a little bit of help since you're from the Egyptian Pantheon and.. you do know about Egyptian?.." Ashara asked, cutting himself off with a confused mumble "Yes i know about Egyptian whatever.. if anything in particular i don't know i could always look it up so." Inpu answered

Inpu gave Ashara a confused stare, Ashara could be quite Cryptic in what he says and this conversation was no expectation. Just before Inpu could ask Ashara for him to elaborate even more voices came from down the corridor. Inpu groaned, praying it wasn't more visitor's with more issues.

"Babeee??" Inpu's dread was immediately ceased when Bryan poked his head around the door, his rose hold bangs slightly tilted with his head. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realise you had guests." Bryan smiled weakly, now adjusting so he was standing normally in the doorway. Inpu smiled lovingly at him

"You're alive?" Ashara commented, before Inpu could reply he heard Bryan chuckle. "Um, surprise" Bryan shrugged, picking up Ashara's comment wasn't to cause malaise but to add into the conversation. Plus Ashara seemed new to the camp, meaning he wouldn't know all the events in the past years about the seductive Rose which made Bryan more at ease.

Inpu turned back to Bryan for a moment "Did you need something dear?" Inpu asked warmly, Bryan seemed to remember something as his eyes widened and he turned back around and pulled someone into the office. "Stolas wanted to see you!!" Bryan smiled, holding Stolas in front of him by his shoulders as Stolas continued to spoon ice cream into his mouth with a blank face

"I.. Stolas did you need something?" Inpu asked hesitantly, apprehensive of their being even more concerns that Inpu would have to handle. Stolas just shrugged "I don't know, I'm bored so i came over!" Stolas smiled, small drops of now melted ice cream on the corners of his mouth. "Oh! You're the guy who was kissing nephew Kaiba at his birthday" Stolas commented, the attention turning back onto Ashara - who seemed pretty unamused of not being able to talk to Inpu about his concerns

"Um, yes.. and that seems to be who i've come to talk to you about.." Ashara coughed awkwardly, slightly embarrassed by the comment. "Oh god, what has he done now?" Inpu complained, rolling his eyes as his expression fell as he looked at Ashara. Ashara smirked slightly, being able to see right through Inpu's annoyance and finding genuine curiosity and possible concern in his voice. Stolas seemed open about his concern however Bryan just seemed more confused as from the fact he had never met Kaiba personally other then attending a few of his Soirées in the past.

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