Initial outbreak. (Apocolypse AU)

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-March 26th 2023-
-Monarch's headquarters-
-the initial outbreak-

Ronin pressed his hand against the metal panel, a blue line instantly running up and down scanning his finger print. It flashed green, allowing him to remove his hand and the wide metal doors in front opened for him, giving him enough time to walk through before they loudly closed behind him.

Quirks were a hard thing for authorities to control. So many quirks untameable, so many so dangerous. After a recent disturbing villain attack, the villain was captured. However this recent villain was too unpredictable to be contained in their normal prison facilities, so instead Monarch had decided to contain them in their headquarters to be able to research their quirk while keeping them isolated.

However while holding this dangerous villain, Monarch was expected to report to Kowalski daily update progress reports. However over the past few days it had been radio silence, so Ronin was sent to check in on the headquarters and see how the facility was holding up.

Sure it made him nervous, blindly walking into a building which contained someone with a violent quirk. However he knew what his job entailed, noting the eerily quiet surroundings of one of the busiest and most likely hero headquarters.

His direction went straight to their 'rehabilitation' centre, aka more of a holding facility. Ronin ignored any distractions, opening the doors to the room full of class boxes holding unstable villains. Each box was empty, one notability smashed. "Shit." He cursed under his breath, taking a picture and sending it back to base to report an issue.

After Ronin rushed straight to Monarch's office, speed typing the number pin into the wall which opened the doors. Monarch sat on their office chair, their head lying on their desk. Their wings droopy and they didn't react to Ronin's entrance. "Monarch? What's happened here?" Ronin asked, however knowing the villains quirk making sure not to approach or make himself vulnerable.

Monarch let out a weak groan, lifting their head up. Their face was pale, large bags under their eyes. Ronin recognised it instantly, they were infected. Ronin grabbed his walkie talkie just as Monarch's zombified body launched at him, slamming the door before monarch could attack him.

"Kowalski?? Lock down the school! There's an outbreak!!" Ronin alerted down the walkie talkie, realising if the facility was empty most of the 'zombies' had most likely already escaped on his entry.

Maybe it was important to mention - the villain's quirk. Their quirk was zombification. After the hero agencies realised this one individual could cause an entire apocalypse they had tried to contain it. However it had exceeded their control, Ronin barely able to duck out the way of a hoard of zombies as he managed to practically throw himself out of a fire exit and quickly made a break for Monarch Academy.


Students were in mathematics when the alarm started, the entire class breaking to chatter. Avian paused his lesson with 1B, aware that a lockdown drill hadn't been scheduled for today. "Ok, don't panic. We've been through this before!" Avian calmed the class.

Fortunately Monarch Academy was an advanced school, no need for manual door locks. The school had a high-quality security system that on command can lock every door in the building, the loud click sound from the door made it apparent they were now locked inside.

"Student council weren't told about any drill" Blake turned to avian, not yet realising the severity and deciding to scold him on his lack of organisation. However Avian was just as clueless as the students in the classroom. "Staff weren't told either, so I don't think this is a drill" Avian replied, however keeping his composure to not panic his class.

Which was evidently useless as panicked chatter started up in the back of the classroom, keeping a calm environment with so many anxious students in the class was already possible during average lessons. Before Avian had a chance to calm the class anymore, Kowalski's voice came through the announcement speakers

"Students. This is not a drill, please remain in the classroom's and do not panic. Currently Moodswing and Ronin are dealing with this."

It was vague, most likely intentional, Avian sighed knowing it'll be hard to keep control over a class as a couple of panicked huddles of friend groups began. "So they're serious about this?" Artemis whispered to Shino, who irritably shook his phone. "Serious enough to shut off all our connection." Shino replied in a huff, the class had quickly realised their phones had lost all signal.

Blake scoffed, sitting on the desk in front of them, her phone loading more then the rest of the other completely out of use phones in the class, after all her's was the newest unreleased model because of her parents being stupid rich. Which had benefits and how they were in a crisis, Blake's phone could make out some signal when everyone else's couldn't

"Yes! I'm through!" She announced, the video she had been trying to load on her phone had finally began playing. She quickly turned the volume up on her phone, leaning it against her bag so everyone in the classroom could either see it or hear it. The entire class went quiet as a women's voice began playing on the live news video.

"Breaking news!! A viral villain infection has broken out, hero agencies are announcing they are out of control. All residents are advised to isolate, lock all doors and do not interact with anyone. This quirk appears to be some sort of apocalyptic quirk, individuals who are affected are almost becoming.. zombies. They seem to be targeting hero agencies, Monarch headquarters already overrun and Kowalski and Ronin are currently protecting Monarch Academy and the students inside. This is catastrophic.. hey, uh-"

Before she could continue a loud scream came from the phone, a zombie practically jumping on the news reporter. Blake turned the phone off before anyone could watch anymore. The class was an uneasy silence, everyone struggling to absorb the news.

So many times they had thought about what would happen in a zombie apocalypse. And now it was real, they were right in the middle of a zombie outbreak.

(Anyone ever think i'd be writing MHO characters and zombies in the same book?)

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