Final stand (MHO)

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(Happy 69th part anniversary!!!)

Artemis had been with Amare for a week and 2 days now. And Shino finally decided that a week was more then enough time to be with his dad.

They had all been training themselves to try and feel prepared for what they were going to do. Kiyo had used his quirk to sneak into Kowalski's office, he found a file with information about Artemis and the situation with his dad.

There they found a list of Tyrants crimes and villaining, and also Artemis's location.

Shino was absolutely mortified knowing Monarch knew where Artemis was and still decided to wait to find him.

Jack and Sapphire would stay back and watch the situation from the outside, each of them would split to cover more of the building and communicate through head pieces.

Kiyo, Blake, yuuto and Shino would look from floors 1-2 and RikKu, Iris, Clover and Shizu would look from floors 3-4. Since Shino knew about chibi coven he decided that RikKu would be safer going with Iris, Clover and Shizu so made sure to keep chibi coven together on their mission as they all knew how to fight with each other.

Plus Kiyo and Yuuto were incredibly close, and Shino had fought with Blake and Kiyo before. So the groups made sense. Sapphire and Jack would watch from outside, in all honestly they were too shaken up from the lab to continue with any vigilante missions.

And finally they had all agreed to storm the warehouse today and try find Artemis. It was a Saturday, they had spent all friday in Monarch training and honestly reassuring themselves it would go well. With Saturday for action, it left Sunday for recovery then school monday.

And now the vigilante's stud outside the warehouse. Shino let out a shaky sigh, the pressure and suspense was almost killing him. He had one chance, one chance to get Artemis back. If not, he could loose him forever. This couldn't go wrong, they had worked so hard and couldn't afford to mess up.

A rhythmical bleep echoed through the ears of 3 people. Blake, Jack and Shizu. They were all trusted with the headsets, it was the only form of communication they all had with each other once they split up and entered the building.

It wasn't a desolate building in the middle of nowhere like Amare's house, it was in a rough area of town surrounded by other empty warehouses and a few blocks away houses and stores. Honestly Blake was surprised the place hadn't been discovered sooner, it wasn't very inaccessible.

Clover snuck up to the hide of the building, holding a rope in their hands, they crouched down and took a jump, landing on the top floor window sill. They held on making sure they were secure at the window before kicking in the glass then climbing through the now open window. They tied the rope to a support beam then leant over and pulled a thumbs up. Allowing Shizu, RikKu and Iris to climb into the top floor.

Kiyo created a portal entering the lowest floor. He walked out with Shino, Blake and Yuuto all following behind "that was easy" Shino commented, taking a look around the almost decaying warehouse. "Too easy..." Blake replied cautiously.

Shizu studied the room, it looked like a meeting room? An office? Pictures of a few random people were hanging on a pin board, Shizu then noticed one of Artemis. "W-What... what is this?.." RikKu mumbled, walking behind Iris who had picked up a few files and began looking through them.

Yuuto froze when he heard voices, commotion from down a corridor. He squeaked, quickly pushing Kiyo and Shino behind a wall as Blake followed.  They were all confused until they heard the talking and footsteps, Blake held her breath as they walked past.

"This is such a waste, nothing we've found is anything useful!!" Clover complained, RikKu sighed "m-maybe we should just look for Artemis?.." she suggested, Shizu nodding from behind her. "I don't think we haven't found anything useful." Iris replied, before pulling out a large box with a lock on it causing RikKu to gasp.

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