Blood moon (Vampire Artemis AU, Artino)

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~Shino's POV~

I was walking back from my vigilante run when I appeared to be lost, I thought it would be a good idea to take a short cut.. should of listened to the movies, shortcuts are always a dumb a$$ move. I had found myself in a forest,  I was about to give up on the short cut and retrace my steps when I heard yelling a bit further into the forest. Though all my initial reactions told me to ignore it and run I followed the yelling. Horror movie plot-line waiting to happen.

When I approached I saw two men, on laying on the floor and the other assaulting the teen on the floor, they both looked to be about my age "HEY! BACK UP" I yelled, approaching the situation "Who the hell are you?" The attacker growled at me "not important, I need you to back away from him though." I replied, a serious tone in my voice "You don't understand." The attacker stared me dead in the eyes "He's a vampire! He murdered my sister!" The attacker yelled, I couldn't help but he phased about this "I thought they died off?.." I asked him "That's what I thought as well.. until this little brat showed his face." He growled "Do you have any proof he's a murderer?" I questioned, quite suspicious of the man "No... I JUST KNOW IT WAS HIM!" He yelled "I need you to leave." I told him "What?." The attacker seemed shocked "Retaliation is not the right way to go about this, leave the area and report your sisters death to the local authorities." I commanded him "Fine.." the attack hissed, storming off.

I turned my attention to the boy on the floor, his hair was half black and half white, split down the middle, he had purple eyes which gleamed in the moons rays, his skin was a pasty Ivory. He seemed incredibly weak, bruising and cuts where barbarically scattered around his exposed skin, he wore a white shirt, unbuttoned half way down the middle exposing the top half of his bare chest, he wore a chocker and a red amulet dangled around his neck. His belt was checkered and his jeans where black and ripped, incredibly trendy for a merciless killing machine of the night. He lay unconscious on the ground, I couldn't leave him there so I carefully picked him up and began to carry him out the dense mass of trees. My second priority was finding my way back to the dorm...

I had placed the boy on my bed, patched his wounds and made sure he was warm. I knew there was a chance of me getting hurt during this but.. something just pulled me towards his boy. It was a feeling I had never felt before. Though I was being reckless and stupid, I didn't even know the kids name.

"Gah..Mmm.." the young vampire groaned, slowly and shakily rising "Are you ok?" I asked him, leaning against the wall "Ah!" He yelled, jumping back a bit "Gah!" The called out in pain "I wouldn't move around too much, it will take a few weeks to heal up" I told him "S-Sorry to sound rude but.. who exactly are you?.." he asked me "I could ask you the same thing actually.. I found you in the forest unconscious" I told him "Makes sense..." he seemed to calm "Did you know the man?" I asked him "W-Who?.. oh! The one who attacked me.. He was never a friend or foe, just somebody who you had a few conversations with her and there" The boy told me "Oh.. what he said... was that true? About you killing his sibling and being a vampire.." I asked him, avoiding eye contact "Yep.." he said rather glumly "I-It sounds awful but I had my reasons to it. She was attacking me, threatening to out me and put everyone I cared for in danger. I-In fact she did, and they're d-dead... I eventually lost control of myself and..." he trailed off "She killed someone close to you?.." I asked, rather sorrowful "M-My parents" he looked at me "You didn't... do it in cold blood? Like all the movies?" I asked him "There's a common misconception that vampires are merciless killers. We do feed of the blood of the living but we can go awhile without any sustainable food, though it's rather draining. We can control how much we take and only really use a fatal bite when we're in danger" He informed me "Oh, noted." I commented "anyways, I'm Shino." I told him "Artemis.." he said

For a vampire, he was incredibly nervous.. We got to know each-over a little more and I allowed him to move in, he was hesitant at first bit ended up accepting the offer. "Heya Arti!" I called, it had been a week since we first met he got to know most of monarch and had the room on the top floor. He was really into fashion, which explains his outfit when I first met him "Hi shino" he smiled "You can eat human food?" I asked him, commenting on the juice pack in his hands "Vampires can eat human food, like I said though it's not a sustainable source. If I decided to live of just human foods I'd live to about 20-30 no doubt, if I added blood to my diet I'd like until my... 70-100" Artemis told me "Oh" I said "Also this isn't juice" he laughed "It's not strawberry?-
OH!." I commented "It's a vampire thing" he laughed "You guys make blood packs?" I asked him rather curious "Mhm!" He smiled, cutely "PFT, you're adorable" I commented, his face turned bright red "EH?!" I yelled in a flustered way.

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