Can't sleep honey?

488 15 78

"Shino, be a dear and kill your father."

He shot up again, choking on his tears as he moved to sit up in his bed. He knew what had happened, he knew it was all his mind torturing him with those same nightmares, he knew from feeling his blankets over his legs and the silhouettes of his furniture in his room.

Yet maybe that made it worse. It was still that same stupid nightmare tormenting him, it still affected him and made him sob and loose sleep as he could no longer trust his mind to be infiltrated with these violent flashbacks and thoughts.

He scoffed, using the palm on his hand to wipe away his tears as the other hand gripped his sheets tightly to try in some way soothe himself. He was so fed up, his insomnia didn't help, every time he would finally be able to fall asleep his mind just hated him even more to wake him up again with awful visions.

What did he do to deserve it?

Maybe that was a simple question actually. Shino knew he was an awful person. He killed his own parents, he let his best friend kill himself, he was horrible to database while he was alive, he decided that he was maturer then the police and that he could be a vigilante even though in reality he was just pathetic. He was even pathetic enough to allow RikKu, Shizu, Clover and Iris to trust him with their vigilante actions despite in reality he was absolutely hopeless. Not to mention he was an awful boyfriend to Artemis. Maybe this was just karma?

It was a sick mentally draining karma. Just because you deserve it doesn't mean you have to enjoy it right? The scoffed as his tears just kept flowing, he didn't know why the dream scared him so much, that gut-wrenching sense of familiarity haunted him. "Fuck" he yelled, grabbing the nearest thing off his bedside cabinet and launching it across his room.

It was probably just pure frustration, needing to vent it onto something and picked the nearest thing in sight. It just happened to be his alarm clock, good riddance if anything, he hated that fucking beeping waking him up in the morning. He caught his breath, for some reason violently taking all that emotion out on a clock seemed to help him a tiny bit.

He realised how big that smash was, springs and screens now lay shattered on the floor and the wall had a small dent in where the alarm had hit the wall. God how hard had he thrown it? He sighed, twisting his legs so they dangled off the bed and his feet on the floor, rubbing his face with his hands. He was really a mess

A sick part of him hoped one of his roommates would wake up, preferably his boyfriend. He knew in reality he wanted Artemis to have a good sleep and not have to worry about his shit at an ungodly hour in the night, yet all he wanted right now was his boyfriend. Just a little bit of selfish comfort, he was ashamed to admit Artemis was someone who could calm him down and make him feel better in sections.

Fate seemed to have already chosen his option as Artemis heard the crash, he had stayed up ridiculously late designing and had only got into bed an hour ago, just as he was about to completely fall asleep he heard the smash. Now panicked and unable to drift off, worried if someone had broke in.

RikKu was still fast asleep as she was a pretty deep sleeper, the moment she decides she's going to sleep she can fall asleep in seconds - which was a trait Shino was completely envious of. He could lay awake for hours despite being disgustingly exhausted and not be able to fall asleep.

A faint knock came from Shino's door, he lifted his head out of his hands to look over. "Arti?" He whispered at the closed door with a slight sense of hope, please let it be him, let him be ok and just stay. I just need him. "Shino? I-Is everything ok?" Artemis whispered as he cracked open the door, rubbing his eyes with tiredness as his demeanour and face were droopy and his hair was messy and unkept. Yet to Shino he looked heaven-sent.

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