MHO ended, but the angst didnt.

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(What if Artemis hadn't made it?)

As soon as the gunshot rang through the air Artemis brought his elbow back and kneed the other teenager in the knee then violently threw his arms down.

Shino had pulled the trigger, meaning the first reaction for the villain would be to draw the blade right across his radial artery, killing him in less then two minutes.

His plan worked, he had tried to silently beg Shino to press down on the trigger as he'd quickly act. The blade missed his wrist.

But didn't miss him.

They fell forward with a load cry, rolling onto his back as he held his hand in pain. The villain staggered back, however Arti knew he'd have to continue attacking in case the villain landed another hit. He continued to kick aggressively into the villain's shin, making them collapse on their knees.

Arti kicked hardly at the villain, hitting them right in the lower jaw and upwards. Their head fell back as they landed on the floor, and didn't get up. He panted quickly and pulled himself up slightly realise he had knocked them unconscious.

Arti finally turned around to face Shino. Tyrants body lay on his front, a deep hole travelling right through the middle of his forehead. His eyes were dull and red soaked the floor, Artemis's breath hitched as he sat in silence.

His ears rang from the shot and his vision was blurry. Everything hurt, since he deactivated his quirk the exhaustion hit him hard and he felt almost nauseous.

At first he thought Amare's blood from the shot had splashed onto him, red stains across his torso caught his eye. But he was too far away from the shot to have blood splatter, it was his blood. Immediately on the realisation he had been shot while tackling Tyrant the pain sank in deeply.

Just above his naval to the right of his body, a deep coat of blood started to bleed through his shirt. Lucky the shot wasn't anywhere vital, just below his ribcage at the side of his waist. It stung and ached and burned and hurt so bad tho.

Artemis winced, trying to press a hand over the wound to stop the bleeding. His blood ran colder, he had used his injured hand by mistake to cover his wound allowing him to see the damage. His middle finger had been completely taken off, not from the knuckle however from the nail to the middle of the finger. He gagged

Shino took deep shaky breaths, his arm throbbed and hurt from when he was pinned. He had landed on it harshly and the pain was unbearable since, he couldn't move it. He know damn well being thrown onto the floor had broke his arm.

He didn't enjoy shooting a man dead, in fact he was in complete shock. However hearing a groan in pain from the suddenly quiet room snapped him back into reality. Arti sat on his knees on the floor, curled over. His hair fell in front of his face so Shino couldn't see his expression however knew something was wrong when he saw the state of Arti's left hand and the blood soaking through his white shirt.

"Shit! Arti!" Shino mumbled, running over however Artemis pulled himself off the floor and stopped him as he tried to support Artemis. "Are you ok?" Shino asked in distress, his pulse quick and stressed. Artemis nodded weakly, his breathing loud and shaky "l-lucky I-I'm right handed.." he joked, through pain and tears.

Shino used his uninjured arm to hold Artemis gently as Arti leaned into him "Is you're arm ok?" Artemis asked weakly, going dizzy slightly "Honestly? I think i broke it.." Shino said hesitantly. Artemis hummed, pulling off Shino's jacket carefully to make sure he didn't hurt his arm and tied Shino's arm into a makeshift splint using his jacket. Shino winced and groaned in pain as Artemis gently tied the fabric around him.

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