Insecure (Artino oneshot)

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(TW for mention of body dysphoria, ED, self hatred, possible sh up to your interpretation)

Shino always told Artemis he was naturally beautiful. To shino he was, he had a perfect face and a perfect figure. Each of Artemis's features perfectly complimented the others, his face was carefully sculptured to were if his nose was too bold his lips were soft and rosy to compliment it, his jawline was sharp but in contrast his eyes were droopy. Each thing about Artemis was mesmerising to Shino, like the little birthmark Artemis had just behind his ear or his complete lack of freckles except from one he had on the side of his nose bridge.

To Artemis it was different, each compliment was backed up with a flaw.

His nose was strong but slightly crooked with a red bruised mark from his glasses, his lips were rosy but blistered from anxious biting, his jawline was strong but sat funny because of his overbite, his teeth on his top row were white and straight but his lower teeth were slightly messier and crooked, his freckle was nice sure but buried in his pores which were never dirty but always noticeable to him.

His eyes were a gorgeous purple but sagged with dark circles under making him look tired and almost starved, in general he practically looked starved. His figure was good sure but his ribs would be seen when he stretched yet when he leant forward his stomach rolled in a weird way, he had a naval piercing but he wasn't ever confident to wear clothes that shown it off. The only meat on his arms was tight muscle, if he wasn't naturally athletic he would've assumed his arms would've evaporated. His knuckles and arms had light scarring from rough training and fitness from the orphanage along with his shins and knees.
His thighs were a nice mix of fat and thin but he had noticeable hip dips.

He hated his hair and his voice the most. His stupid high pitch voice, he was 16 and had gone through puberty yet he still had his obnoxious high pitched voice that stuttered and trembled. He had his stupid messy hair that would never sit tame, and the weird coloured split right rough it. He got picked on for it all the time, he'd tried to dye over the white hundreds of times but whenever he'd wash the dye out the dye would just wash out completely leaving no traces.

Artemis's appearance was always something he'd avoid. He appreciated the little compliments people dropped about him but whenever a conversation began to focus too much in on it, he'd go quiet and shut it down quickly

So many "i don't wanna talk about it" and "it's not a big deal" or "i don't really think so but sure" or "can we not talk about this?.." flooded his vocabulary whenever his appearance was mentioned too often.

It never made sense to Artemis. Shino was confident, bright (literally), caring, courageous, empathetic, diplomatic, he was funny and witty and sassy, Shino had a natural way with people. He was gorgeous too, his tanned skin and light freckles with his wavy ginger hair with his blonde streak and deep brown eyes with golden halo's looped around. Shino was a straight 11/10 being critical, in comparison Artemis was barely a 5.

Artemis couldn't people. His autism didn't help, he couldn't click with jokes and he didn't understand anything. He was completely out of social cues and was a complete anxious wreck. Whenever he got comfortable he'd mess it up, he was a total fucking weirdo.

Somedays Artemis felt good, somedays he could show off the little things that he normally wouldn't like his piercing, he'd melt at every compliment given to him and he'd love taking pictures with his friends and being around people.

Artemis had seriously low days. Sometimes every little praise from Shino about his appearance seemed completely fake. On days were he'd force himself out he'd cover his face in pictures or only stay out for the least amount of time. Other days he'd just lay in bed and practically rot in the same baggy jumper until he felt better, sometimes he couldn't even bring himself to shower because he'd have to look at himself. Those awful days weren't common, when they happened he made sure nobody knew about them anyways.

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