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(The meme is so cruelly perfect because RikKu barely had to change her appearance to pass as a girl.
Anyways!! As a transgender person myself (ftm so I can't fully relate to RikKu's experience) i really wish the series covered more of RikKu's gender discovery. As soon as she came out and began wearing dresses i don't think it was covered as much, she talks about her dysphoria sure but Naya never really does into detail about RikKu's discovery and how she'd handle her transition. And i think transgender issues especially for mtf need to be discussed more as in media you mostly see ftm.)

(Before this starts, no transgender person as to medically transition to be valid. Their transition and gender is valid no matter how they present or what stage they are in their transition, some people may not want to medically transition and that does not make them any less of their preferred gender. Nor am i saying RikKu would or is implied to be medically transitioning, however from media i've read about transgender people on wattpad it's either focusing on post-medical transition or ftm.
Estrogen is the female hormone which biological male can take gender reaffirming supplements of to increase their estrogen levels, however they have to take zinc tables along with that to stop the estrogen turning into testosterone. I think i'll be writing RikKu as taking Estradiol gel as from what i know Estradiol is the safest hormone to take and gel because i think RikKu would be too scared for shots and pills.)

RikKu didn't sleep much, it was now morning and she could hear the faint sound of birds tweeting from the open windows upstairs however her dorm was completely silent.

In all honesty she had been feeling icky. Completely being eaten alive by her dysphoria, she couldnt look at herself sometimes. Her body wasn't hers and her reflection was a stranger, being called 'him' and knowing she was biologically a male hurt more then any physical pain she had ever experienced

Sure she passed, and she was completely supported and loved by her friends and family.. but she couldn't fight the feeling of seeing herself as a stranger. Her flat chest and sharp jawline or lack of curves in the right places made her sick.

Maybe she done something bad in a past life and thats why she was born into a boys body? Or maybe she was cursed by an evil witch at birth making her physically a boy.

She felt tears start to boil in her eyes as she choked on them. At times were she'd feel so upset she'd always have Yuki or Shizu to talk to, but Yuki and Shizu were still asleep making her feel alone.

She tried to feel grateful, thinking back to the relentless teasing she was put through in middle school because of her confusion in her identity. How it would absolutely break her and how she forced herself to look in her reflection and see a boy and how her mum would cradle and comfort her for hours as she sobbed.

Her mum.

She could talk to her mum!! Her mum was her biggest supporter, she had been so understanding when RikKu had come out. Maybe she could call her mum?

She shakily pulled herself out of her bed and rolled over to grab her phone. It was 5:47am. She opened her contacts and clicked on her mums number and the phone started ringing.

It dailed 3 times before her mum picked up "Hi RikKu!" Her mum answered happily, it made her smile weakly and she shakily answered "Hi mum.."
"RikKu are you ok? You sound sad" RikKu's mum asked, picking up on her shaky voice

RikKu sighed "I..I just feel bad. A-About myself.." she replied gently, her mums tone immediately becoming sweeter "but sweetie you're such a kind person, you're so pretty theres nothing thats bad about you" her mum assured her making her smile

"It's not about my personality or anything... it's about my body. Mum i hate being a boy" RikKu cried, tears falling down her face softly as her mum went silent for a moment.

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