Night terrors (MHO s2)

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"Shino, be a dear and kill your father."

"Shino, be a dear and kill your father."

"Shino, be a dear and kill your father."

He couldn't help what happened next, it was like she was controlling his quirk, his mind, his body. Everything that happened was out of his control.

All he could remember was the fire, the ringing in his ears from the explosion, the burns on his hands and arms from being so close to the fire.

He could still see his dad laying on the floor, facing away from him, in his final moments he spent them trying to calm Shino, tell him it was ok and to breathe. Yet now it was his dad who was struggling to breathe.

He could still remember the smell, he couldn't tell if it was his own skin burning or his dad. The putrid smell of burning flesh. And his mother, her legs burnt and singed and raw and burnt. Yet she was laughing, a faint smile on her face as tears streamed down her face.

Firemen rushed over, he could still see their blurry silhouettes rushing towards them. Leading them was database, who quickly scooped up a little Shino. He could hear database yelling, presumably to his dad however he couldn't make out the words as he slipped out of consciousness.

Shino shot up out of bed, beads of sweat falling from his forehead, his breaths quick as raspy. He sighed, trying to control his breaths and the shaking of his hands as his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him letting him know it was just a nightmare.

That same nightmare he had so often, so regularly ever since.

But this time it was different. Each event more detailed, each memory more vivid. It felt so real, he could still feel a faint burn in his hands and could still smell lingers of the awful smell.

It had felt too real. His old dreams had only been short and fuzzy memories, his mother's words and blurry images of the flames, yet since coming back to Monarch for their second year each nightmare became more and more detailed.

He couldn't take it, letting his face fall into his pillows to try prevent his crying as he gripped hopelessly to his composure. He thought he'd forgot about Ghost whisper and learnt how to deal with the nightmares, yet all of a sudden they came back so much stronger.

It tortured him knowing that now that database was dead he'd probably never know anything about ghost whisper.

He scoffed, fumbling with his alarm clock and checking the time. 4am.. he'd be waking up in a few hours anyway so what was the point. He rolled out of bed groggily, flicking on his light and making his way to the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face to wake himself up.

He blinked at his reflection in the mirror, his eye bags sinking down his face and his hair frizzy, rolling his eyes before clicking off the bathroom light. Before he made his way back into his bedroom he noticed the door next to him was slightly cracked open.

The pushed open Arti's door softly, still getting used to the room that used to be occupied by RikKu now being occupied by his boyfriend. He looked into the dark room, sighing softly with a smile when he saw a small lamp switched on illuminating a sewing machine with fabric still threaded in

And Arti curled up asleep on the floor next to it. Despite the shitty nightmares his boyfriend's silliness always managed to make him feel better, carefully entering the room and picking up Arti gently without waking him before laying him in his bed and pulling a blanket over him.

He kissed Arti's cheek softly, a sleepy hum coming from him and Arti shuffled and got more comfortable in his bed, still the bed Blake had got him. Shino rolled his eyes at the state of Arti's room, now having a smaller room he managed to make it double the amount of messy than his upstairs room was.

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