Tour of Egypt!

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(I haven't continued this mini series for a while now, if you're confused this is connected to 'panic at the palace' and 'Egyptian ancestry')

Solis, Bryan, Inpu and Ashara walked through the hot desert, all following Inpu's lead to Baset's palace. The sand was hot, along with the hair, Bryan knew as soon as he hot some he needed a cool shower to wash out all the sand that clung to his slightly sweaty skin, Greece was hot for sure however not this scorching. He couldn't understand how Inpu, Solis and Ashara could bear this heat.

However it was an excuse to wear some of those Egyptian robes Inpu gifted him, in fact the four of them made sure to wear some traditional Egyptian attire so they seemed polite enough to allow Kaiba to talk to them. They didn't even know if Kaiba would be there, however as Inpu, Bryan and Solis had prior attended Kaiba's soiree's before coming to the camp they knew where he lived - In the pharaoh's palace.

Sandstone walls appeared in front of them, Bryan sighing loudly at the first sight of civilisation for miles "you ok dear?" Inpu asked him, noticing how Bryan was already clearly exhausted. "Gods I hate sand.." he complained, Inpu smiling weakly knowing they had arrived where they needed to be anyway.

Ashara had remained silent for most the journey, not involving himself in conversation between Solis, Bryan and Inpu. He was worried, he knew Kaiba had his worries and burdens, however he didn't know if he had only made Kaiba resent him by visiting him during his upset. What if they got there and Kaiba refused to speak to him? What if over meant over and he hadn't been enough for him?

The dry and hot sand turned into just as hot sandstone. The empty abyss of sand and more sand turning into a secure city made of sandstone and different fabrics and littered with market stalls and large houses. "Wow.. this place is beautiful" Bryan commented, mainly to Inpu as Solis was occupied looking at each of the different stalls around and Ashara was clearly in his own thoughts. "Yeah, me, magnus and Solis never really came here as we were in the underworld but.. it is nice up here, it's a less dead Egypt" Inpu shrugged

The underworld was more dark however it was home, and ruling it wasn't too stressful. However he couldn't lie, ruling over deceased souls was easier than ruling over alive people, he could give that to Kaiba. "Solis, put that down!" Inpu quickly commented as Solis had stopped at a stall to look at some gold pieces. "But i want to bring scar a souvenir!" Solis complained, having left scar with the triplets back at camp.

They walked through the now lavish Egypt, looking forward seeing a few pyramids and a large blue and gold palace, the sun shining on it making it almost glow. Ashara would be impressed if he had any care for materialistic things, yet he knew it was a palace only suited for his Kaiba as he often preferred the most extravagant things.

As they reached the doors of the palace Ashara's hopes fell, seeing two guards standing outside. "I'm sorry prince Kaiba has requested no visitors at the moment" the guards halted them, Ashara sighing to himself as his first thought was to barge his way through however he kept his composure. "I understand, however we urgently need to see his grace." Ashara begrudgingly compromised.

However the guards didn't budge, still staying firm "sorry. No visitors." They continued, still standing in front of the doors so they couldn't push past. Bryan nervously glanced over at Inpu, trying to figure out a way to sneak in however by each entrance a guard seemed to be waiting. Inpu just remained calm, watching Ashara get quickly frustrated.

"And has this order come from Prince Kaiba or Bastet?" Inpu asked calmly, solis looking at him confused about the question, obviously Kaiba as the guards had just said so? "His Grace ordered the no visitor rule." The guard replied, still firmly standing in front of the entrance.

"Well as pharaoh of the Egyptian underworld, I demand to be allowed in." Inpu scolded, watching the guards face fall as they realised they couldn't refuse Inpu's order as Inpu was in a higher power than Kaiba. They just sighed, moving out the way and allowing the four of them into the palace, instantly being hit with cool air as they entered.

Bryan took Inpu's hand with a wide smile "you're so smart babe" he praised him, kissing his cheek as Inpu smiled back. "Ew, where would Kaiba be?" Solis asked, looking around for hopefully a map of the large palace - despite being family he never actually visited much, maybe because Bastet had told Kaiba that he was dead. For some reason.

"Probably... hmm.. his room? Or maybe outside?" Bryan suggested as the led the way, knowing the place more then the other three as he had visited the soiree's Kaiba had hosted. "Or probably at his bar." Inpu commented, receiving a sharp look from Bryan in response as Stolis let a light and awkward chuckle. Ashara ignoring the comment.

The layout of the palace was similar to Kaiba's palace at Oasis, just more.. extravagant. A main throne room in the room they entered, with multiple spiral stairs leading into different upstairs corridors and multiple downstairs corridor wings, and behind the throne another wide door leading into another larger room. "Kaiba!!!" Ashara yelled out into the throne room, his voice slightly echoing around.

The palace remained silent for a moment before a door could be heard, suspense all hitting them quickly, either being Kaiba or a guard about to rush them out. The door to the balcony in front of them opened, black flur with a blur ombré appearing behind it. "Ashara? Solis? Wait.. what are you guys doing here?" Kaiba asked, jogging down the stairs to meet them as Ashara ran over.

"Wow! You're literally a cat!" Solis commented in surprise, watching Kaiba roll his eyes slightly as Solis "yes uncle solis, i am a cat." He huffed, clearly still insecure about his new cat form as he became defensive. Solis just nodded, still slightly surprised at Kaiba now practically being fully cat.

"But, what are you four actually doing here?" He asked, rather apprehensive at them showing up despite him clearly stating that not only are him and Ashara over but that nobody was allowed into the palace. "We found out what's going on, about you being a cat!" Bryan told him, seemingly rather happy about finding a solution however it seemed to shock Kaiba.

Inpu grabbed the book and opened it to the correct page. "It's a curse" he told him, watching Kaiba's face fall slightly. He approached, his ears slightly back, Ashara couldn't tell if it was in caution of them or the idea of this curse. The idea that Kaiba wasn't comfortable around him hurt, a heavy feeling weighing on him and Kaiba approached the large and old looking book in Inpu's hands.

He studied the pages, reading through the similar symptoms he had. His guests were right, his new form was an old curse. The complete origins unknown, however it was assumed it originated from Greek or Egyptian pantheons as the ingredients listed to make a 'cure' were from both cultures.

Kaiba's eyes floated to Ashara for a moment, awkward eye contact being made that filled Ashara with an unbearable anxious feeling. "Mors?" Kaiba asked him suspiciously, Ashara shrugging with a sigh, unable to find the words for his once lover who he still cared about.

Inpu closed the book, creating a loud bang of pages which startled both Kaiba and Ashara out their solemn questioning. "Ok. Dear, could you try to make the cure for Kaiba?" Inpu suggested to his husband, knowing Bryan had a few of the greek plants needed in his garden and also has recently picked up a small enjoyment for Herbology - they had joked he was his own Apothecary, however now Inpu was appointing him head-curemaker

Bryan nodded enthusiastically, "yeah, um, i can ask Momji for some help too" he added, noticing the small resemblance of a grateful smile on Kaiba's face which made it all worth it. "Great. Solis, you and me are going to go find Mors and see if he'll willingly remove this damn curse." Inpu continued, despite Solis being rather stupid he was still a good fighter, which could be useful if Mors wasn't too happy with their visit.

And two names were left out the mix. Kaiba and Ashara. "Right.. well.. I'll go speak to my mother and see if she can help in any of this" Kaiba decided on his own role. Since his arrival his mother had been too busy with errands she had been running, and hadn't had time to speak to her son about this transformation yet. However as Kaiba now had the answers he was sure Bastet could find some time in her schedule to help him.

(The last time I updated this mini-series was June idek why i've bothered to continue this but. It was sitting in my drafts with 1000 words so i thought I'd actually finish this series because i actually have a good plot)

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