Hair in the shower drain

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(TW on this one it's a rough one😢)

Dorm 8 sat on the couch in their dorm, all staring at the TV in a tired sluggish daze. It was Thursday after school and they were all just waiting for the day to end and friday to roll around and free them from school for a life-saving two days.

But for know they'd pass time by watching TV until they felt tired. Monarch Academy was definitely more tiring then a regular school, as most their lessons revolved around training, meaning they were active in physical education a lot more. So when they came home they'd often be exhausted.

It was one of the lazier days, Rikku claiming the order of the couch so she could learn on the arm rest, half asleep and slipping in and out of her nap more focused on staying awake then whatever Shino had chosen to put on the TV. Shino's back was against the armrest, one hand supporting his head as the other stroked through Artemis's hair as he rested against Shino's chest.

The room was quiet except for the dialogue from the show, everyone individually deciding their social batteries were dead and just wanted to spend time with each other without exhausting themselves more. It was nice actually, not always having to do extra and thrilling stuff with your friends to enjoy yourself and instead you can just be comfortable and cozy. It was a nice contrast to the scary vigilante conversations Shino usually found himself in.

But he always seems to find himself in scary situations, today was no different.

As Shino ran his hands through Arti's hair he noticed small strands would easily fall away, not like his hair was tangled and he was ripping the hair out, if anything Artemis's hair was shiny and soft, yet small pieces would come out each time Shino ran his hands through them. Sometimes even having to take a moment to shake some of the hair off his hand - not that he minded or was grossed out, he was more concerned.

He had noticed something off recently. It first started when the three decided to do a deep clean of the dorm as they were bored, Artemis was weirdly insistent on cleaning his own room and the bathroom by himself. Shino and RikKu were weirded out sure but didn't complain as cleaning a bathroom didn't sound like a particularly nice job.

When Shino finished with his own room and helping RikKu with the middle floor he decided to check on Artemis - only to find that while cleaning the bathroom Arti had removed clumps of hair out of the drains. Sure it was a little gross but what concerned Shino was all the hair was black, him and RikKu both had rather light shades of hair. And taking into account Artemis had split hair, the amount of hair that was black became worrying.

Obviously Shino was concerned when he went to retrieve his stolen jacket from Artemis's room while he was out he noticed many strands of hair on Arti's pillow. Maybe his hair got caught or something.

But in the past few weeks Shino had noticed the small little hair problem Artemis had going on. He hadn't mentioned it as he knew finding stray hairs all over your boyfriends stuff was a little gross i guess but Shino was becoming worried incase this was early sighs of alopecia or something.

He finally bit the bullet and decided to ask when he told himself that your hair shouldn't be coming out in small clumps when you run a hand through it. There was no noticeable bald patches or anything like that, Artemis had pretty thick hair, just it had seemed to thin recently.

"Hey Arti? Is your hair like seriously damaged or something?" Shino asked calmly, not wanting to make the comment sound too serious at first, plus for all he knew Artemis could just be using some dodgy hair product. "Uhh... i-it shouldn't be? I straighten it now and then when it's super messy but" Artemis replied, his attention being drawn off the screen as his eyes glanced up at Shino's face.

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